Can you explain how people are so nonchalant about the rape case against Trump? Is it civil case? Seems serious to me and disturbing how all this comes out against Trump. I get it could be a fabrication after opening old cases, but this is rape.
Trump doesn't sound concerned and I get women lie. I know this on a smaller scale. I've never been accused of rape or putting my hands under a women's dress.
Is the jury from NYC?
That's fine. Everything is under control. No worries at all. Sit back and let it play out, but don't worry. Leave it to prayer that multiple women over the years have accused Trump of some form of sexual deviancy over many years. It's all lies.
Why didn't the woman yell she was being raped in the dressing room? Why didn't the woman make a police report when Trump put his hands up her dress. All understandable. Was there a rape test done?
I don't have a lot of money, but I don't have multiple women accusing me of sexual deviancy that is never ending. If Q is so smart, why pick such a man that distracts from good.
Is Trump the only choice Q could have picked? It's crazy. I'm being ridiculed for being concerned. I guess if there is a threat on Trump or his family I shouldn't be concerned. If someone dies connected to Trump not to be concerned, but look at like part of the war.
You all are posting on a freaking stupid message board and you think you are the bravest people alive. Now that concerns me.
I didn't anonymously throw out insults for being concerned. I don't hide behind anything vicariously.
Shit keeps flying that the truth becomes muddied. We've become desensitize and maybe that is the goal.
Trump was born before abortion became legal, so I would thing there would be a better choice than Trump.