Before the vaccine was released to the masses had COVID-19 already mutated? How many waves did we see before the vaccine was released?
compare the waves from prior to vaccine initiation to post-vaccine initiation… number, auc, etc…. what do you notice?
Commotio Cordis…. what is it really? Well, what I gather is that it is a blunt force leading to instant cardiac dysrhythmia/V.fib (depolarization during repolarization window).
McCullough says that people usually go down instantly and not like Hamlin where he is up on his feet after the force and then quickly down thereafter.
If you take the concept of commotio cordis, if I have analyzed it correctly… you are pretty much saying that there is a susceptible time slot during repolarization in which a depolarizing force can lead to an arrhythmia…
Why can't the vaccine lead to enhanced susceptibility for commotio cordis?
Also, say Hamlin did a cardiac MRI in the hospital and he has myocarditis and some scar tissue, couldn't you say that the vaccine which caused this led to commotio cordis?
for example, what if the vaccine lengthens that vulnerable time period during repolarization or makes the depolarization more impactful due to changes?
you might still have a few seconds even if I clamp all circulation to your brain