damn that's a thick ass.
If the deep state wanted to take over the world, just invent the matrix. I could live inside my own virtual paradise and they can have this shitty world.
the way he flew off that fence will always be funny
why is it that awesome stuff is always called "faggot white boys ideas"?
so you just woke up this morning and decided to hate a certain type of taco?
Is Hell real?
Wow. What a welcoming religion.
you're probably typing this with cum-encrusted week-old shorts
'cause i don't want to go to hell :(
WAIT A MINUTE. The way you formatted your answer. That's what shills do. For some reason shills format their posts like yours. idk why but they do.
Recognize a shill. Everyone filter ID: 1ffc34
Anyone else notice this? There's shills here that don't speak ill of Q or try to hurt the Q movement in anyway, but rather they display a pattern for some reason, as if to identify themselves for some reason?
For example:
Mr. Pig
the guy who photoshops clown noses onto people
the guy who fills "memes" full of non-sensical text
the shills who format and word their posts in strange yet recognizable ways
I have a theory that these shills are the equivalent of "number stations" and they're communicating something to someone, but it's not us. Because they know we're either going to ignore or filter them.
just some thoughts
I love burritos. You can put pretty much anything in there and wrap it. BOOM.
so you ARE a shill then. Filtered. And filtered whenever you mention this "white people burrito" bullshit.
those dicks aren't going to suck themselves
why did you format your post like that shill?
that's a very shilly way you formatted your gay post. Filtered.
sort of like Biden being inaugurated 10 minutes early
what happens if Trump bursts in and at the last second, pushes Charles out of the way and the crown falls on Trump's head? Does that make him king?
Democracy's the shittest form of government. We don't stop and think about it.
We were better off being ruled by divine kings. The problem is, the blood of royalty was mixed with mortals and eventually we were ruled by regular humans, and not the offspring of literal gods. So we had to shuck off the tyranny since man is corrupt. We need the gods to return and rule us under a monarchy.
did you think of that last night and be like, "I can't wait to put this on 8kun tomorrow morning".
yeah. Practically all modern wars are orchestrated by the jew.