I bet if there was a campaign for white people to take credit for breakfast tacos they would suddenly be celebrated by the media and subsequently the hispanic population at large as the most historical aspect of hispanic food culture that we had violently and criminally stolen and appropriated as our own invention.
WTF are you on about. First post of the morning. Only had one cup of covfefe and just had to chime in on the ridiculous nature of this fuckin’ argument you absolute faggot.
>Meals should be based on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates, ideally wholegrain, according to the NHS
They invert everything. Just do the opposite in order to find health and well being.
Can any medfags or doctor anons explain to me why it would be dangerous to put liquid ivermectin in a bit of water and drink it down instead of sucking on a tube of horse paste?
That was my assumption based on the experience of the person who had been taking it prior to recommending it to me.
Will do.
Quercetin is dewormer?
Mebbe. Def think parasites and worms are a bigger issue for folks in US than many would like to believe. So, a regular cycling of a safe anti-parasitic/anti-worm product couldn’t be a bad idea, in my mind.
Love ‘em! Eat ‘em all the time!
Does tapatio count? How bout Valentina?
Twas an honest question regarding putting the liquid in water, rather than actually injecting it. Not suggesting anyone inject ivermectin to be absolutely clear.
Makes good sense to me.