LB >>18796234 LB
save for your dream house and dream life.
never going to happen, they stole it all.
satanists have it all now.
banks have it all.
biden stole it all
maxine waters stole it all
the senate stole it all
the house stole it all
lawyers stole it all
they gave it all away to china for payouts
nancy pelosi stole it all
chuck schumer stole it all.
Washington DC stole it all
judges stole it all
lobbyists stole it all
police stole it all
edu stole it all
DOJ stole it all
nsa stole it all
dod stole it all
atf stole it all
CIA stole it all
FBI stole it all
IMF stole it all
CFR stole it all
UN stole it all
obama stole it all
democrats stole it all
republicans stole it all
federal reserve stole it all
treasury stole it all
If the American people do not use that force against the people in government, then the government will use that force upon the American people.
The united states has turned into Zimbabwe, every election cycle, each election changes the country, it throws the country into chaos because each admins takes their 4 years to change it, then it gets changed back by another admin signing more EO's, like a washing machine going back and forth.
everything government turns to shit.
everything government turns to shit.
everything government turns to shit.
all things government are the end of liberty, freedom, and truth.
all things government are the end of liberty, freedom, and truth.
all things government are the end of liberty, freedom, and truth.
The use of force is the only way the United states of America, "the people" can defeat the criminal element within government.
Not through stolen elections, but through a bullet.
otherwise society will be stuck in a repetitive bullshtit cycle of deception, fraud, and brainwashing.
then they make you feel bad for wanting to defend your country, the use of force is the only way that will bring about real freedom.
There are way more of us than them.
not sorry if this isnt weak and passive enough