Anonymous ID: 99e537 May 5, 2023, 5:13 a.m. No.18799908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9910


>"And I think it's the arrogance that we've seen from the people who are in the upper reaches of whether the FBI or any other part of the intelligence community. They don't see anyone falling on this stuff. You know, they're able to retire, they're able to walk away from it without any shame, they go get high paid corporate jobs when it ends."


And therein lies the crux of every bit of corruption we see oozing and spewing out of Washington DC. Zero consequences. And not only zero consequences, 7 figure employment after they commit these crimes. Our entire Intel and LE agencies in the federal government are beyond corrupt. Non-elected criminals are running our government. But as long as [They] control the reigns of power and the law they have no fear in answering to and being held accountable for their actions.


Just for a moment, imagine the implications of everything [These] people are doing and getting away with. Not just this criminal act but all of the other conspiratorial and destructive acts being waged against the American people. Every, single day I find myself in absolute wonderment and disgust as to what [These] people are doing and how far, wide and deep the effort goes. I am also in awe of the unfathonable depth of stupidty [These] filth exhibit. All of [Their] comms are sitting right there in the NSA Data Center in Utah. Unless of course, this data has been erased. Would you be surprised if it doesn't exist? I wouldn't.


A very strong and irrefutable case can be made that everything being done by everyone involved falls under the legal definition of "conspiracy". All of it. From this laptop shit to the Covid 19 sham and the NIH, Fauci, Wolinsky, democrat party, Randi Winegarden and the teacher's union, democrat governors, city counsels to the Trump-Russia collusion, the overrunning of our borders, you pick the issue. A to Z. Every, single person involved in the takedown of this country is part and parcel to this conspiracy as the right hand does not need to know or be aware of what the left hand is doing if the actions of both are aimed at the same criminal intent. Throw into the mix ANTIFA, BLM, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the WEF and the list goes on forever. We are talking about enough people to make up a mid-sized city. 100's of thousands of people are working and involved in the destruction of the United States and every bit of i falls under a federal conspiacy crime. And that is just in the criminal domain, never mind the USCMJ and Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities. "Big" is too small a word to describe this war on America.

This is now the 3rd World country of Amerika. And this is just the "tip of the iceberg". Get's worse from here. My neck hurts from smfh.

Anonymous ID: 99e537 May 5, 2023, 5:31 a.m. No.18799962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9973 >>0032


I know, I give a fuck. Quick search through the drops and Q mentioned nothing about saving children in underground DUMBS, hospital ships and the like. Would be impossible to keep something like that from seeing the light of day. Someone, somewhere would expose it. Any anons can sauce? I'm all fucking ears. If not? STFU then.

Anonymous ID: 99e537 May 5, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.18799982   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would say to you that we are not talking about aerodynamics but philosophy vs. ideology. The right wing, left wing of the same bird, plane is gibberish. Means nothing and is not applicable.

Anonymous ID: 99e537 May 5, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.18800063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good letter but didn't go far enough. Chase won't give one fuck about this. They'll start giving one when they face litigation which I would assume that many of the aggrieved parties to Chase's actions took up. At least I hope they did. Chase's libility would be enormous.