Anonymous ID: bdc04c May 5, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.18800045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What if you don't know your father?

What if everything you have ever been told is a lie?

What if the truth has always been hidden from you?

What if access to critical literature was never given?

What if you were experimented on throughout your childhood?

What if there were specific coordinated traumatic events perpetrated on you?

What if you have always been called crazy or delusional?

How then do you become the leader you speak of?

Finally why do we have to stand down and only watch the evil perpetrators continue to rape, pillage and murder?

Why do we have to follow rules of men written in a book or books that there has been no definitive proof that God has said this is how you need to be or act?

Why must we follow laws and regulations written and enforced by corrupt, evil, and power lusting men in whom the laws were designed to protect?

Why is it okay for ((([THEM]))) to bypass and take advantage, to include imprisonment and murder of their opposition? But not okay for individuals like Anon?

What is our recourse when every avenue we could take to rectify the wrongs perpetrated on the people are controlled and manipulated by the very men we need to remove or eliminate?

Why does only a small percentage of the evil power corrupt get punished for the crimes against humanity?

How long do good men stand by and do nothing?

Where is God in his devine wisdom that allows the human suffering to continue?