ThanQ Baker!
Nothing but winning!
Since it's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos Santana, who became legal under Reagan in 1986.
ThanQ Baker!
Nothing but winning!
Since it's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos Santana, who became legal under Reagan in 1986.
Chicken Heads
Clockfags are ahead on Cinco
Cinco is actually an interesting thing. Rag tag bunch of poorly armed farmers and Natives beat the best army in the world.
At the end of their occupation, we sent 50,000 armed troops and artillery, fresh off US battlefields, across the border to help them rout the French.
France wanted the Confederacy to win and become part of a greater New French Empire in the Americas.
Gen Sheridan saw to their demise. New World peoples a little too scrappy.
Still think Meatball will be Trump's veep in the long run.
No worries. Just have some fun.
As always, ignore shills, you only feed them through recognition.
Nah, dayshift got crazy people.
Those old Tone memes were funny though.
The Hasidim ones used to crack anon up.
Full house digits, chk'd
The line was too long at yo' mama's
Anon seduced a couple of teachers in HS.
If you are going to call out the QAnon theories, you're going to have a lot of shills at your throat!