I interpreted losing everything as attributable to the 1907 banking crash. "we lost everything" might have been a double entendre on his family and the citizens losing everything.
a very ass-toot observation anon. well done
Summer harvest-to harvest the crops seeded in the spring rain. it is close to election time summer/fall
If HRC was directing the 187's, it seems really plausible that the USSS would be keeping tabs on her, being the (ex)President's wife. The USSS would have this incriminating info. But why would they not stop the 187's
True that she is mid-level (and certainly a tool). But the breadcrumb trail starts somewhere.
But the upper level white hats stepped in.
We cant even figure out which black hats are in the pyramid, let alone the white ones. A 40,000ft view power-wise is hard to see.