Many thousands of energy patents have been "confiscated" under the guise of "national security" without even the President's nor Congress's awareness, including Tesla's work. The process of tapping earth's unlimited electro-magnetic energy fields is already known, but every time someone comes forward with proof, it's taken and kept secret in the interests of geopolitical macro economics. Nothing survives if it threatens the almighty petrol-dollar (except for in the confines of their military industrial complex, of course). JP Morgan said, "If we can't put a meter on it, we don't want it."
How is any inventor supposed to succeed and prosper when 9 out of 10 patents are rejected and exposed in a process that allows for intellectual property theft? During the vulnerable period of review in the application process, England gets first crack at your ideas, then China. You pay thousands of dollars in multiple fees to just apply for patent protection in a process that is so wrought with complex bureaucracy that it takes thousands more to hire a patent attorney to cope with the process. Only to wait years for the slim possibility that you can make money from your own ideas. And if you do get a patent, you then have to pay thousands and thousands more just to maintain it. The inventors are supposed to be the ones who benefit, not the Patent Office (nor the deep state bad actors that control the process).
Here's a short 11 minute video on Zero Point Energy and the Numbers of the universe: (or)