"… Many unbiased researchers have spent the years since JFK Jr.'s July 1999 plane crash and untimely death, carefully gathering the facts about what really happened, and this investigation leads them to only one conclusion: MURDER, from a bomb placed aboard his aircraft. Their painstaking investigations reveal a massive cover up by the controlled national media. They expose the false statements and lies that were fed to the apathetic and gullible American public, who only too gladly will swallow the swill dished out daily by the managed news and disinformation networks.
Here are the raw, cold facts that they have come up with. Contrary to what the puppet media claim, JFK Jr. was a good, experienced pilot who always played it safe when operating his plane. Visibility was good as he made his approach to Martha's Vineyard, his destination point. Kennedy made contact with the airport at 9:39 p.m., and stated that that everything was normal, and that he was commencing his descent to the airport. Seconds later, radar indicated his plane started making a nose dive into the ocean at 6,000 feet per minute. Kennedy's plane had autopilot, capable of flying itself to within 100 feet of the airport.
All a cautious and methodical pilot would have had to do was sit back and let the plane fly itself. At least three witnesses reported seeing an explosion in the sky at that time, and in exactly that part of the sky where JFK Jr.'s plane disappeared from radar. The media were not allowed to get anywhere near the scene of the recovered wreckage, and no photographs were permitted of the recovered bodies. Kennedy's emergency locator was removed, the cockpit recorder was disabled, and the flight log was taken. Add to this the strange rushed autopsy (done in less than four hours), then the weird request for cremation and burial at sea (to remove all evidence, of course!), and you have a powerful case for criminal conspiracy to cover up a crime scene.
Who would have killed JFK Jr.? The same people that murdered his father. The International Bankers, the Shadow Government, the One Worlders, the Illuminati, the secret societies, those who will not hesitate to get rid of anyone who gets in their way in building their socialistic One World Government. JFK Jr. was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a conspiracy in his father's death. He not only acknowledged it, he published an article by Oliver Stone in his magazine about assassination conspiracies, and lying history books. He planned on turning his magazine, George, into a true political vehicle for change. For the American public, not the New World Order. In fact, he had already begun this process by publishing factual exposes on George Wallace, and the Rabin assassination. This alone is enough to have gotten him killed. And according to people close to JFK Jr., he was looking into who was behind his father's death. According to them, he was convinced that because his father was about to pull the plug on any US involvement in Vietnam, the people who run the international war machine, and get rich off of it, had him assassinated.
Apparently he was in the process of documenting and proving with facts that these hidden forces, along with the international bankers and their operatives, the CIA, were responsible for the foul acts against his father, and his uncle RFK. Facts such as on October 11, 1963 John F. Kennedy signed national security memorandom no. 263, which ordered 1000 American advisors home from Vietnam by December 25, 1963, and that the remainder of the U.S. military be withdrawn by 1965. The day after Kennedy's funeral, on November 26, 1963, Lyndon Johnson signed national security resolution no. 273, which completely reversed Kennedy's plan for a withdrawal from Vietnam. Then Johnson fraudulently used the gulf of Tonkin resolution as a blank check to fund the massive military buildup in Vietnam, an agreement Johnson apparently made with the CIA in exchange for them taking out Kennedy, and handing the presidency to him. JFK Jr. was intending to publish these details in his magazine GEORGE. Several investigator's have asserted that JFK Jr. was planning to announce that he was running for President as a traditional Democrat, or even possibly as a third party or independent candidate in the 2000 election. This incident represents another nail driven into the coffin of the free republic of the United States of America. …"
All three cremated and buried at sea.
So John F. Kennedy, Jr. has been "off the grid" for close to the last 20 years, waiting for the right time to come back and kick some serious ass. He can only post for short periods of time using a laptop and free wifi, otherwise he will get doxxed and the gig will be up. Since most of the bad actors have been removed, he can share a cryptic picture of his campsite with us. He could easily ride around the entire US from state park to state park and no one would ever think twice. Sure, someone might say, "… hey he looks like JFK, Jr.", but that would be it.