Anonymous ID: 811f51 June 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.1880497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0565 >>0589 >>1092

Even Sundance at Conservative Treehouse is saying this is NO ACCIDENT.


There are billions of dollars at stake.


Accidents happen; this isn’t one of them.,+Adams+Run,+SC+29426/@32.7602681,-80.3136698,3a,90y,105.09h,79.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sg-kVAfcWCA2r_FSCkqSNVg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x88fe9cf0a711268d:0x7b07b43379e06225!8m2!3d32.7604917!4d-80.3139009

Anonymous ID: 811f51 June 23, 2018, 5:32 p.m. No.1880631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0701

Anybody remember the Pizzagates posts on all the truckdrivers that were killed around LOGAN, UTAH?


Most were freakish single vehicle accidents or a head-on like Katie Arrington.


The one that made headlines was William Gray, who was unconscious in a Salt Lake City Hospital and had to be protected by a nurse when a detective tried to take a blood sample from him. The nurse was arrested.


It was thought it was tied to U1.


Archived Uranium One deal involved truckers in US (makes me wonder if it connects to the dead Logan Utah truckers)


I was watching this when at 6:08 Dore mentioned an eye witness and US transportation (truckers) involved in scheme. Are these our Logan Utah dead truckers? Were truckers killed because they were involved in hauling or stealing uranium in a bribery scheme?


@Commoner did a fantastic post showing multiple truckers including William Gray whose attempted blood draw as victim in a police chase accident caused the nurse to be arrested, all with connections to Logan Utah, and who all died on Wednesdays and were also connected to Teamsters, Wisconsin, Malawi orphans, and child porn.


Pizzagate related due to corruption by Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton got half Million for a single speech gave in Russia when deal was signed off on by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, FBI and DOJ complicit in cover up. Proof Russia dealings are with Clinton not Trump and Russia Hacking allegations are garbage.