It is only 1142 at my location kek still day shift for me. kek
correct living Aloha
Pedo awards displayed openly easy to spot the enemy.
has this been verified? Do not want to share if it is BS.
Cumalla Police force she used in California.
Yes couple anon frens on TS from the UK said looks like the media is publishing crappy photos on purpose. Royal Family in panic mode. The pics have been sloppy.
Serious evil shit kidnapping in the open
The daughter and Jill look scared oh and FUCK UKRAINE.
Right normal times everything is perfect like in a MOVIE or FAIRYTALE. This is being documented sloppy and horribly on purpose. That is a good sign.
nice tattoo not very royal like, scum of the earth
TY anon needed this pic, the copy I have is on my phone sometimes I phonefag on her comfy from the couch kek
Would be cool if we could verify bummer
Think Tucker flipped or was always a sleeper white hat are my thoughts. Along with CNN hosting DJT Town Hall imagine the BOOMERS believing DJT because CNN said it is true.
DJT said going into the enemy den, the enemy is changing or something like that.