>>18809257 Stephen Miller: Today’s bureaucrats have vastly more power than yesterday’s aristocrats. King Charles cannot jail, spy on, censor, disenfranchise any who oppose him. Could one say same of Comey, Clapper, Brennan and others? LB
Clinton, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan etc all presume themselves to be monarchs of their 'Democracy' that has been imposed on and captured countries around the world.
Their favourite colour, purple, is the colour of royalty. A mixture of blue to represent Admiralty, the FICTION, and red to represent blood, the flesh. 'We', not 'I' to include both the flesh and the PERSON.
It's all an illusion.
Every single one of us were born to a Mother, flesh and blood as was 'King' Charles.
Charles was born Sovereign. So are we all.
Charles is recognised as Sovereign because they use titles instead of their fathers surname on the paperwork. Everyone else is turned into a LEGAL FICTION slave to their 'Democracy' that takes our sovereignty away without our parents knowing.
I am a Man, not a PERSON.