Anonymous ID: 7e34ea June 23, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.1881711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1873 >>1988

back many years ago when I found out about ron paul (~2008?) I came upon a story about a fellow by the name of martin armstrong


curious thing about a guy who rode the stock market to the top making millions only to be caught in some type of investment scheme and thrown in jail.


then, his cell mate tried to murder him (likely payback?).


the guy seemed like an idiot to me, making far fetched claims about a super computer in the 80's he owned using fractals that could predict the future. being a pseudo intellectual myself with an IQ over 10 billion, I could easily determine his story on the computer was bullshit, but I knew that he had to have stumbled upon something real in order to build such a mountain of money, since he clearly didn't have the intelligence to do it without having something…


He talked about this economic confidence model, mapped out of waves, and I did find this cycles idea rather novel. Back then, I thought Ron Paul was the start of the Private Wave, however, after he lost in 2008 and 2012, I gave up on this idea.


Now, looking at the way things are going, I wonder if there is a carrier wave. What if this carrier wave was not "private" and "public" but…. "light" and "dark"


forever fighting each other, wrapped & intertwined.


if now is really the time for light, our golden age is only just about to start… Take a look at the picture.


in any event, found this gem looking in the history books:


May 4, 1981: The U.S. Federal Communications Commission announced that it had set aside the 40 MHz range of the radio spectrum for future use by cellular telephone systems, with each market to receive two equal blocks, one of which would be granted to the local telephone service provider, and the other to the highest bidder. The number of available channels for communication had been 44 since 1946, and was increased to 666 by the ruling.[8]