Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:27 p.m. No.1881311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1321 >>1322 >>1333 >>1346 >>1350 >>1353 >>1572

Seems Q may have anticipated an onslaught of shitposters, shills, kikes, clowns so delayed the Q & A????


Just read over the last bread and wow, apparently JEWS are good, Q's a LARP and Trump is a NAZI.


They may have thought Q was foxing so they had their troll army on the clock anyway so they came in and crapped up the bread!


Have they not realized that when they did the site upgrades they coded in contingencies to identify and isolate everyone so they can be located and arrested if they are black hat operatives?????


Do they think this is an open chat room?







Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.1881398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1639 >>1816 >>1831 >>1851


Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens on Midterm Elections: “If America Falls, the West Will Fall”


Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens Battle Cry for Upcoming Midterm Elections–

“If America Falls, the West Will Fall”


The Gateway Pundit Staff Writer sat down with Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens at TPUSA’s Women’s Leadership Summit in Dallas, Texas.


As the Democratic Party blockades legislation that could bring a rational immigration system and resolve national security threats posed by America’s permeable Southern Border all in a final attempt to recover some remnant of political relevancy, Gateway Pundit sat down with Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens to discuss the midterm elections.


Kirk and Owens’ midterm election rallying cry is composed of three simple words, “Save the West” for which immigration reform and border security are paramount.


“What is at stake now is so much bigger than just the US,” Kirk stated. “America is the lynchpin, and If America falls, then the West will fall,” he continued describing a domino effect with significant political, cultural and economic implications.


“If the West falls, with it will fall the importance of individual rights and the concept of sovereign nation-states, then billions of people worldwide will fall. It will make of the events of the 20th century driven by both communist and fascist forms of authoritarianism look like child’s play,” Kirk warned.


Owens elaborated on the theme stating, “If that happens, the US will begin to look more like everything that is happening in the UK right now. The British People have allowed themselves to believe that there is something inherently wrong with their own culture.”


When asked whether the US can intervene to preserve European culture on an ideological level, Kirk and Candace both held out little hope for a sustained re-awakening in Europe. Owen stated regrettably, “We think many nations in Europe may be too far gone.”


If Turning Point’s growth as a grass roots political platform is any indicator, America’s great re-awakening has just begun irrespective of the outcome of midterm elections.

Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.1881429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Debunking The Persistent Myth Of U.S. Precision Bombing

Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.1881461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1665 >>1816 >>1831

==Photos, Videos=Far Left Protesters Block Bus With Migrant Children in McAllen, TX==


Rather than standing astride the border to stop mass illegal immigration, protesters with the liberal group LULAC held a protest outside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection station in McAllen, Texas on Saturday where they blocked a bus carrying migrant children with their parents for about twenty minutes. The pro-illegal immigration protesters chanted and waved American flags (for a change.)



Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:41 p.m. No.1881469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636 >>1705 >>1816 >>1831

US, EU Taxpayers Provided $80 Mln to Support Islamic Terrorism – Think Tank


A report by the Middle East Forum (MEF) claims that one of the largest Islamic charities, indirectly financed by US and European taxpayers, is linked to terror groups around the world.


Islamic Relief (IR), one of the world's largest Islamic charities, is entangled in terrorist connections, according to a report by the US think tank Middle East Forum (MEF) obtained by the Daily Caller.


The report claims that IR both accepts and provides money to and from terrorist organizations.


IR purportedly accepts donations from Charitable Society for Social Welfare, which was founded by Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani, whom MEF — a group that has tasked itself with seeking out examples of extreme Islamism in the west — claims is an Al-Qaeda terrorist and "Bin Laden loyalist."


The IR non-profit provides financing to Gaza's Hamas movement, considered by Israel to be a terrorist group and is also said to have close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood,


US and EU taxpayers have provided enormous amounts of financing to IR over the years, according to the MEF report. In the last 10 years, says MEF, taxpayers from western countries have provided at least $80 million to Islamic Relief.


"IRW [Islamic Relief West] claims to have been awarded US government grants […] by the US Department of Health and Human Services and USAID," the report reads.


"In 2012, IR-Canada received 1.5 million Canadian dollars ($1.9 million) from the government. In 2017, a further 4.5 million Canadian dollars ($5.7 million) in grants to Islamic Relief were recorded on Canadian government websites."


The list includes funds from sources within the United Kingdom, the United Nations, Spain and Sweden.


"In total, from the available data, over the past ten years, we can find at least $80 million that the Islamic Relief franchise has received from Western governments, the European Union and the United Nations," the report claimed.


Islamic Relief denies the allegations of support for terrorism, accusing MEF of "building conspiracies" off of individual one-time events.


"Islamic Relief has operated as a top-rated humanitarian organization for 25 years working to deliver relief and development in a non-discriminatory, dignified manner to vulnerable individuals in over 40 countries around the world," asserted Sharif Aly, CEO of Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA), in a statement to The Daily Caller.


"IRUSA abides by strict standards of neutrality and impartiality in carrying out its overarching humanitarian mission," Aly noted.



Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.1881544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1567 >>1816 >>1817 >>1831 >>1882



‘Release These Children’: Trump Guilty of Torture Says United Nations


The United Nations, in a particularly damning accusation, revealed that the separation of migrant children from their parents by the Trump administration “may amount to torture.”


Bowing to a global outcry against the policy, the Trump White House quickly wrote an executive order that it claims will go toward ending the practice, but the presidential decree is a weak stopgap measure that human rights groups suggest will not end detentions, according to the Independent.


The United Nations, however, issued its strongest condemnation of the Trump policy yet, claiming on Friday that separating migrant children from their parents at the border "may amount to torture," cited by multiple sources.


Experts representing the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) noted that Trump's attempt to stop the controversial ongoing US practice does not actually stop the detentions and "may lead to indefinite detention of entire families in violation of international human rights standards," cited by the Washington Post.


UNHRC experts additionally noted that the new White House executive order does not address key points that allow the previous Trump separation edicts to continue.


"This executive order does not address the situation of those children who have already been pulled away from their parents. We call on the government of the US to release these children from immigration detention and to reunite them with their families based on the best interests of the child, and the rights of the child to liberty and family unity," according to the UNHRC statement.


The UNHRC announcement noted that any detention of children is punishment.


"Detention of children is punitive, severely hampers their development, and in some cases may amount to torture," according to the UNHRC statement.


"Children are being used as a deterrent to irregular migration, which is unacceptable.


Rights groups around the world have called attention to the likelihood that abuses contained within Trump's original separation decree will not be stopped by the president's Wednesday order, including how to free some 2,300 children — some very small — who were thrown into detention camps through the use of the White House policy after a "zero tolerance" interpretation of US border laws was imposed in mid-April.


The Trump zero tolerance policy has resulted in every adult illegally crossing the border being arrested, detained and prosecuted; while, under the letter of the law, any minor child also apprehended is taken from its parent and placed in a separate holding facility.


Few concrete details are available to indicate precisely how the new Trump order will go about humanizing the process and, more significantly, how it will reunite previously locked-up children with their parents.


"Separations have been conducted without notice, information, or the opportunity to challenge them," the UNHRC stated.


"The parents and children have been unable to communicate with each other. The parents have had no information about the whereabouts of their children, which is a cause of great distress. Moreover, we are deeply concerned at the long-term impact and trauma, including irreparable harm that these forcible separations have on the children," cited by


The UNHRC group observed that some of the detained children are young enough to still be breastfeeding.


The White House zero tolerance border arrest policy was announced earlier by Trump's pick for US attorney general, Jeff Sessions who asserted last week that the practice of separating children from their parents was a form of God's will.


Shocking images of detained children in a Texas facility revealed metal cages inside a windowless temperature-controlled former Walmart warehouse, while lawmakers and reporters seeking additional information on the practice were denied entry.


The damning UNHRC condemnation was released just days after the US withdrew membership in the global human-rights organization, according to The Independent.

Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.1881684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1990

THE SINISTER DR. MARX: How Marxist-Consumerism Has Wrecked Christianity


The influence of Karl Marx’s ideas on the West have been transformative.

Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.1881732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1739


Same time the day before yesterday we had a dodgy baker who refused to give up the dough.

Told Anon's he'd fix his mistakes next bread never happened, resulted in 3 moldy breads

Anonymous ID: d82003 June 23, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.1881979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


2017: Year of the Great Turning


Anon's this is a great read, good food for thought while things are slow!