verb: to work the soil in preparation for planting
noun: (1) cash register (slang)
(2) sediment deposited by melting glaciers
contraction for the conjunction "until"
verb: to work the soil in preparation for planting
noun: (1) cash register (slang)
(2) sediment deposited by melting glaciers
contraction for the conjunction "until"
>Kek as in the transgender god
>just scream high maintenance.
any makeup is a sign of weak mind, weak character, narcissistic attention whore.
find a nice country girl, or church girl.
>I'm just getting tired of cleaning my 'puter everyday
you could always get a mac. just sayin'….
the lesser of two evils is still evil. maybe time to "demand" a third option (in minecraft, of course).
>Anon doesn't socialize because normies are assholes.
huh… and i thought people who make sweeping generalizations and stereotypes were the assholes.
>Found a nice country girl.
she must be an angel or really desperate to put up with you
>Life is good, except for having to live with a girl.
you sure you're not a closet fag? is brokeback mountain your favorite western?
>It's been UNIX '03 compliant since OSX 10.5.
anon knows…
OSX IS unix, with a spiffy GUI
anon learned coding in the 60's
fortran G and IBM turbo assembler
did enough coding for one lifetime
and then some
give me GUIs
>Go haul another load of holiday decorations up to the attic, and we'll talk about who's homo.
living with a "girl" (has anyone mentioned pedo) does NOT automatically mean you have to cut your balls off and put them in a jar for her.
she wants holiday decorations, make HER carry the box to the attic, instead of being a pussywhipped cuck, or she'll fuck a real man on the side.
>Turn their trillions in paper into nothing.
you must be a tenth degree black belt in retard…
their physical wealth (land, buildings, factories, commodities, yachts, planes, etc) are NOT made of "paper," you simpering fuckwit.
>I found a closet liberal.
so… you equate being logical and unbiased with being liberal? what does that make you?
imma say pedo faggot contard bigot.
>try to take out the fed and install cbdc.
not going to happen in a million yrs, or at least not in your lifetime.
the public pushback will be overwhelming. covid worked bcs people are terrified of disease/death. what's the threat of refusing cbdc?
>Buckle up buttercup.
GFY, pompous pontificating faggot. i've been stocked locked and loaded since you were learning to choke the chicken.
>sheep donot "push back"
really? the riots in france now are for changes to retirement age, ffs.
there were no riots over covid. they may be sheep, but self-interest kicks in when you fuck with their wallet.
>how many prepped for the computer crash of 2000
only the stupid, tech illiterate, but think they're tech savvy fuckwits.
>And I'm all for destruction of the fed… If its not dome by commie fkkn davos tards.
>two well balanced physician daughters
ya think maybe your opinion is biased?
only time will tell…
PS - hyphens are your fren…
>they are broken regardless
what are the odds on lesbos versus nymphos versus frigid workaholics?
>and here’s a posting ID that is full of nothing in their comments
andWHAT, pray tell, is the content of (((YOUR))) comments?
>Imagine thinking the word Nigger applies to any race at this point.
thought it always did
>humans are all the same
what fucking rock you been livin' under?
>the proper stimuli always produces the same results.
i repeat, what fucking rock you been livin' under?
>you think balance is borne out of imbalance?
well order is born out of chaos, otherwise (((YOU))) would not exist
>yer bias is plain at least
yer pompous arrogance and plain stupidity is even more apparent
>the best part?
>you can not see
>your own program
check your mirror…
bcs you are a fucking chatbot, dumbass.
you will never possess the intelligence of an amoeba.