Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.18816089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Highly Respected Ex-Prosecutor Brought “Explosive” Joe Biden Bribery Allegations Involving Foreign Nationals to Department of Justice in 2018 – DOJ Ignored Allegations and Retaliated Against Prosecutor in a Very Sinister Way


Jim Hoft reported on Wednesday that Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) sent letters to the FBI, demanding the bureau to produce an unclassified record of an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national.


On Sunday, a New York Post report revealed that “explosive” bribery allegations involving Joe Biden and foreign nationals were brought to the Department of Justice back in 2018.


This was two years before very similar allegations against the Biden were made by the whistleblower now talking to the House Oversight Committee.


On Wednesday, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported that Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) sent letters to the FBI, demanding the bureau to produce an unclassified record of an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national.


According to Just the News, Bud Cummins, a former federal prosecutor, reported the bribery allegations involving Biden and foreign nationals to then-New York US Attorney Geoff Berman on Oct. 4, 2018. Cummins claimed in an email that he had evidence that Joe Biden had “exercised influence to protect” his son’s Ukrainian employer “in exchange for payments to Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and Joe Biden.”


The email revealed that that Ukraine’s then-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko wanted to travel to the United States to meet Berman. Once arriving, he could produce and could produce two witnesses to back up his claims about the Biden Crime Family.


But Berman completely ignored the email according to the Daily Mail. Then the corrupt DOJ retaliated in a very sinister way.


On December 9, 2019 federal prosecutors seized data from Cummins’ iPhone with a grand jury subpoena to Apple. The New York Post notes this happened right in the middle of President Trump’s first impeachment trial.


Cummins received the notice late last year, three years after federal authorities first seized his data.


Here is the link to the Apple notice first obtained by Just The News:




Cummins told Just the News that he was befuddled why the DOJ refused to follow up and instead targeted him.


I can’t really imagine a legitimate reason for the DOJ not to follow up on an offer like that. I felt like it was stonewalled.


It doesn’t make much sense to investigate the guy who brings you the allegation rather than the allegation.


Actually, it makes perfect sense because the deep state always protects rich and connected individuals like the Bidens. They prefer to bully nonviolent J6 protesters and peaceful parents objecting to vile propaganda at their children’s schools.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.18816106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6192 >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Julie Kelly: The DOJ Is Going to Indict Trump – May Put Him in Prison Until His Trial


Investigative reporter Julie Kelly joined Jesse Kelly on his podcast this past weekend. During their discussion, Julie Kelly described the implications of the Proud Boys trial that ended last week.


The DC kangaroo court found all five of the Proud Boys members guilty on Friday. Four of the members were found guilty of the junk charge of “seditious conspiracy.”


The jury agreed that the government proved the existence of seditious conspiracy (a complete joke).

Proud Boy Ethan Nordean – guilty of seditious conspiracy

Proud Boy Joe Biggs – guilty of seditious conspiracy

Proud Boy Zachary Rehl – guilty seditious conspiracy

Proud Boy founder Enrique Tarrio – guilty of seditious conspiracy

Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola – spared seditious conspiracy because leftist jurors could not come to agreement


The FBI created and planted evidence in the Proud Boys’ group chat. The kangaroo court ignored this truth.


Julie Kelly told Jesse Kelly this is the next step in their plan to get President Trump.


Jesse Kelly: Julie, give it to us right between the eyes. They wouldn’t actually put Donald Trump in prison, right? A former president, you don’t think they’ll go that far, right?


Julie Kelly: I absolutely do. And I’ll go even deeper between the eyes, Jesse, when he is indicted for if he’s indicted, of suspicious conspiracy, which I think the chances of that just increase tremendously. Today, I can see Jack Smith seeking pretrial detention for Donald Trump, which is exactly what they’ve done in every defendant who’s been charged with seditious conspiracy. So now they have a precedent for these courts to sign off on pretrial detention orders, meaning denied bail. You will be held in prison until your trial commences. I’ve watched these judges and prosecutors more than anyone on this side, but nothing will surprise me. And in fact, I’m sure they’re just chomping at the bit right now, waiting to present this information to the grand jury, seeking seditious, conspiracy, indictment, and then, shockingly, seeking to keep Donald Trump in jail, particularly as he is campaigning for President, pretending that he poses a grave security risk to the American people as he’s campaigning and facing these very serious charges.


Jesse Kelly: Truly, this country is going to come apart if that happens, right? Or am I overstating it?


Julie Kelly: I don’t know, Jesse, aside from you and a few other commentators and this is the day, really, will Miss Tucker as well? No one on our side is paying attention to this. No one cares. They think the Proud boys are domestic terrorists and that they deserve what happened to them. Trust me, they did not. This is a horrible travesty for these defendants and especially their family members, but this creates a real slippery slope for the country overall. Will the country fall apart or come apart if Donald Trump is indicted on this? I don’t know. Where are the fighters on our side? We are so outnumbered and so outgunned. It’s just hard for me to predict the reaction when that happens.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.18816112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6192 >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Kremlin Responds To Ukraine Intel Chief's Threat To "Kill Russians Anywhere"


Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, in an interview with Yahoo News published Friday addressed the recent string of assassinations and cross-border attacks on Russian territory.


In reference to the August car bombing death of Daria Dugina (Yahoo underscored in its lead-in that "U.S. intelligence has attributed Dugina’s killing to the Ukrainian government"), Gen. Budanov offered the following ultra-provocative statement:


"we’ve been killing Russians and we will keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine."


He seemed to be owning up to Ukraine being behind the assassinations. What Russia calls "terrorism, we call liberation," he had said when asked whether Kiev was behind the attacks, which also included the April cafe bombing and death of Russian blogger Vladlen Tatarsky.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov blasted the threatening remarks, calling them "truly heinous" while "vigorously" condemning them. In the Monday response, Peskov said, "What Budanov said is a direct confirmation that the Kiev regime isn’t only sponsoring terrorist activity, but is a direct organizer of this activity."


He further emphasized that Russia's own secret services "will be doing everything that they should be doing against the background of such statements."


"It’s very difficult to imagine that such terrorist statements from Kiev will remain without condemnation. Therefore, today we will be waiting for these condemnations," he followed with, in reference to the international community.


But the White House has remained mum on the emerging covert 'dirty war' targeting Russian officials and 'pro-Russia' journalists and mere activists, and may even be assisting with intelligence and planning for such operations. Moscow has leveled this charge precisely. None of those killed so far have actually been Kremlin decision-makers, but are civilians…

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.18816129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6144 >>6192 >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

BBC: Climate Change Too Important To Be Left To Personal Choice


Everyone will have to ratchet down their standard of living by over 75%


A recent piece in BBC’s “Future World” series on its surface celebrates someone who choose to live an “ultra low carbon lifestyle”. They made a conscious and individual decision to bring their own personal carbon footprint down below 2 metric tonnes per year.


Throughout the developed world, per capita carbon output ranges from 4.46 (France) to Canada being the highest at 15.43.


The article talks about the personal challenges around living an ultra-low carbon lifestyle. According to the piece, 2 tonnes/year is also about half the output of a single gas powered car in the US, so the first step for any Americans (or Canadians) wanting to do this, they would have to start by ditching their cars.


Other behaviours which move the needle would be: eating a plant based diet, buying green energy and forgoing one transatlantic round-trip per year.


In terms of what level of personal CO2 emissions gets the job done “for the climate”, estimates vary. While the 2 tonne number was somewhat arbitrary, there are other climate focused think tanks that feel the number has to be 1.4 tonnes of C02 per person by 2040 and 0.7 by 2050.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.18816135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“He’s Not the President! He’s the Son! Nepotism is Not a Crime!” – Far Left Fox News Contributor Juan Williams Has Epic Meltdown After Newt Gingrich Obliterates His Pathetic Attempts to Defend Biden Crime Family


The walls are closing in on the Biden Crime Family and liberals are losing their minds. Far left Fox News contributor Juan Williams is exhibit A of this new reality.


Jim Hoft reported Sunday that Rep. Comer announced during an interview with Maria Bartiromo that he will hold a press conference on Wednesday with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). During the press conference, Comer said he will disclose specific Biden family bank records which could indicate alleged bribery from foreign adversaries.


“Senator Grassley and I received a tip on a whistleblower. Senator Grassley was the lead in this. We reviewed documents from the legally protected whistleblower, a highly credible whistleblower that would implicate Joe Biden in a pay-per-play scheme in trying to set up a deal to receive funds [for him] and his family in exchange for foreign policy decisions,” Comer told Bartiromo.


Williams was debating former House Speaker Newt Gingrich regarding the Biden family on Fox News Sunday and things immediately went off the rails for the liberal.


The video starts with Williams acknowledging Hunter’s serious personal problems but then laughably remarks that Joe’s corrupt actions were completely out of love for his son.


We know Hunter Biden’s an addict, we know he’s an alcoholic. We know he’s had sex addiction problems. We know he’s not the son you would have.


But Joe Biden acted as a father trying to protect his son and try to help his son. I don’t think anyone’s gonna fault him for that.


Williams then has the audacity to claim the righteous investigations into the Biden family are a complete distraction from President Donald Trump’s legal problems. He also takes a cheap shot at Trump’s family.


But you compare that to the graft and the grifting from Trump golf courses, Trump hotels, Chinese shoe deals with the daughter, and the son-in-law getting billions from the Saudis. It’s unbelievable.


Even this week you have to compare it to the trouble we’ve heard about in New York with the sexual assault case against Trump.


But this is what Hunter Biden has come down to now. He is a distraction, a shield against all the trouble that Trump is experiencing.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.18816143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6258

Turkey Angrily Rejects US Request To Give Ukraine S-400 Air Defense System


Turkey over the weekend announced that it has rejected a US request for Ankara to provide Ukraine with Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems, which it controversially acquired from Moscow in 2017, and which resulted in strained relations with the United States.


Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu revealed the request, and said it would be a violation of Turkey’s sovereignty, and strongly suggested the request was insulting in the first place. "They made proposals that directly affect our sovereignty, for example, give us control over it, give it to another place. Where is our independence and sovereignty?" Cavusoglu said.


"The U.S. has made various offers regarding the delivery of the Russian S-400s missile defense systems in Türkiye to third parties, Çavuşoğlu also said," according to Turkish media sources.


He stressed that Turkey's answer is a firm 'no':


The minister said one of the proposals made to Türkiye was to send the S-400s to Ukraine. “They told us ‘Will you send to Ukraine?’ We said ‘no,’” he stated.


Not only was Turkey hit with limited US sanctions in 2020 as a result of getting the S-400 systems, but the Pentagon also kicked Turkish pilots out of the F-35 training program, and halted delivery of the advanced Lockheed-made fighters.


Addressing this, Cavusoglu emphasized his government is demanding the money back which was spent on training.


"We are not saying ‘Let’s go back to the F-35 [program] right now.’ We are saying ‘Give us our money back.’ Because we produce our own national combat aircraft," he said.


US-Turkey relations also took a downturn over a period of years due to the Kurdish situation along the northern Syrian border. US special forces have long been embedded with the Syrian YPG and "Syrian Democratic Forces" - but which Turkey views as terrorist organizations with PKK roots.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.18816154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6192 >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Who Are the 9 Secret Intel Officials Who Signed on to the Hunter Biden Laptop Disinfo Letter “Who Cannot Be Named Publicly”


During the second presidential debate in 2020, Joe Biden and hack reporter Kristen Welker teamed up against President Trump.


At one point, Joe Biden interrupted Welker for his planned response to the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell scandal. Joe Biden told the audience 50 intelligence leaders signed a letter saying the laptop was “Russian propaganda.”


The 51 spies who lied openly to the American public.


The intel leaders all lied. They knew it was a lie. Joe Biden knew it was a lie. The media knew this was a lie.


And now we know that the Biden Campaign and current Secretary of State Tony Blinken organized this massive lie. The laptop was real and EVERY SINGLE INTEL ‘EXPERT’ who signed that letter knew it was real!


They have never apologized.


Here is the full letter signed by 51 intelligence officials who lied to the American public about Hunter Biden’s laptop being a Russian disinformation operation.


They ALL knew this was a lie.


But it was not just the 51 intel officers who signed the letter. Another 9 intel officers signed the letter but were too cowardly to go public.


This little-known fact is included at the bottom of the original document.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.18816193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

FDA: People Can Eat These Gene-Edited Pigs


Genetically-altered pigs are now on the menu.


The United States Food and Drug Administration has authorized gene-edited pigs entrance into the food chain for human consumption—as German-style sausages.


Gene-editing can make changes in an organism’s DNA that could occur in nature or through selective breeding but would take much longer without a tool like CRISPR.


The FDA authorization is investigational, and limited to these particular pigs, but shows that gene-editing livestock to quickly produce desirable traits for improved food production is a viable strategy for helping feed the planet’s growing population.


“It’s important for a university to set the precedent by working with federal regulators to get these animals introduced into the food supply,” says Jon Oatley, a professor in the School of Molecular Biosciences in Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “If we don’t go through that process, all of the research we’re doing is for naught because it will never make it out into the public.”


Oatley uses the gene-editing tool CRISPR to improve genetic traits in livestock and is working toward an FDA approval for a line of gene-edited pigs. He undertook the investigational food use authorization process for five gene-edited pigs to demonstrate that food made from the animals is safe to eat and that it is possible for an academic institution to achieve this type of FDA authorization.


The two-year-old pigs were processed at the university’s Meat Lab, and the US Department of Agriculture inspected the meat, as it does with all meat products. Working with the Meat Lab, meat scientist Blake Foraker made some of the pork into sausages, which will be used in catering services that raise travel funds for the student members of the university’s Meat Judging team.


The pigs were originally gene-edited in a way that would enable researchers to use them to sire offspring with traits from another male pig. Known as surrogate sires, this technology first gene-edits male animals to be sterile by knocking out a gene called NANOS2 that is specific to male fertility. These animals can then be implanted with another male’s stem cells that create sperm with that male’s desired traits to be passed on to the next generation.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.18816216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Massive Strike On Ukraine Now (Video, Photo)


The Russian Defense Ministry is now carrying out a massive strike against military facilities and concentrations of AFU troops.


This missile strike is atypical. The scale is greater than anything we have seen in recent months.


Missiles, bombs, and drones are targeting dozens of AFU positions and facilities in various directions.


The Russian Defense Ministry massively used Geran-2 drones, X-22/32 missiles, and other munitions. At least seven Tu-22M3 strategic missile carriers carried out strikes.


X-101 and Kalibr cruise missiles are launched. Ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet carried out a group launch of Kalibr cruise missiles.


It is already known about numerous explosions in the Odessa region. It is reported that at least 7 hits on AFU facilities were recorded. There are also reports that a missile strike damaged the bridge in Zatoka, through which the AFU was bringing reserves, fuel and equipment from Romania to Kherson and Mykolaiv.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.18816220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Kiev confirms that Biden administration sponsors terrorism — Russian diplomat


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman noted remarks by Chief of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate who asserted that Ukraine had been and would be killing Russians "anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine"


The Kiev regime has confirmed that the administration of US President Joe Biden is a sponsor of terrorism, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel on Sunday.


The diplomat noted remarks by Chief of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Kirill Budanov who in an interview with Yahoo News, replying to a question about the Kiev regime’s possible involvement in the assassination of Darya Dugina, asserted that Ukraine had been and would be killing Russians "anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine."


"This is a direct blow to the White House. The Kiev regime stated that the Biden administration is sponsoring terrorism," Zakharova commented.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.18816232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Colorado to allow DACA recipients to work as armed police officers


Colorado’s immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have temporary legal status or those who have applied for asylum could soon work as armed police officers in the state.


Gov. Jared Polis signed HB23-1143 into law on Thursday, allowing the state’s Peace Officers Standards and Training board to establish rules for people with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status and asylum seekers to become certified peace officers or reserve officers. That means police and sheriff’s departments can change their firearms policies to allow eligible immigrants employed as law enforcement officers to carry guns and allow those eligible to attend training academies.


The new law, backed by Republicans and Democrats, is set to take effect 91 days after this year’s legislative session ends.


“We have a number of areas of workforce shortage across our state,” Polis said at the signing. “There’s a number of ways that we’re stepping up to address this… We’re expanding that this year including law enforcement, firefighting …”


Aurora interim Police Chief Art Acevedo told The Denver Post Thursday that he supports allowing DACA recipients to work as police officers, especially amid a nationwide shortage of people applying for law enforcement positions.


People with DACA status were brought to the U.S. as children and have been vetted for the Barack Obama-era program. They live and work legally in the U.S. Those applying for police positions would still have to go through the same rigorous process as everyone else, including required background checks, polygraphs and completion of various tests, Acevedo said.


Acevedo, who immigrated with his family from Cuba as a young child, recalled the story of a teen he met years ago in Austin, Texas, through the department’s explorer program. The student, Christian Mendoza, wanted to become a police officer after he graduated but was not eligible because of his status, so he ended up getting hired at the police agency but not in a capacity where he would carry a gun.


Although Acevedo advocated for such a policy change to allow people with DACA to apply for policing jobs in Texas, similar legislation wasn’t adopted. Now, he says he wants to call that former student and encourage him to apply in Colorado.


“It’s not about nation of origin,” Acevedo said. It’s instead about integrity and dedication to the job and mission, he said.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.18816239   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.18816257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6259

Over 615,000 public sector workers had student loans forgiven after Biden loosened rules


The government has forgiven a total of $42 billion in loans for public servants since October 2021, the department said.


The Education Department on Monday said over 615,000 student-loan borrowers have had debts forgiven through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program since October 2021 due to policy changes made by the Biden administration.


The government has forgiven a total of $42 billion in loans for public servants since October 2021, the department said.


"This is a result of the temporary [Public Service Loan Forgiveness] changes made by the Biden-Harris Administration that made it easier for borrowers to reach forgiveness," the department also said. Under the Trump administration, 7,000 borrowers were approved for the forgiveness program.


The program allows public employees such as teachers and members of law enforcement as well as non-profit workers to pay their student loans for 10 years before being eligible to have the remaining balance forgiven.


In addition to those who have already had their loans forgiven, over 2 million public sector employees are "on the path to forgiveness" and more are in applying, the department said.


The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program is separate from the Biden administration's proposed one-time student loan forgiveness that is currently being held up in court.


The administration expanded loan forgiveness for public servants by creating a one-year waiver expanding eligibility by removing some restrictions surrounding loan type or repayment plan.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:52 a.m. No.18816268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Michelle Obama launches PLEZi Nutrition junk food company to sell chemical-laden sugar water to children


Like a clogged toilet that just will not flush, the Obamas refuse to disappear from the limelight, with Michelle Obama announcing the launch of a new junk food company called PLEZi Nutrition that wants to push more American children to consume sugar- and chemical-laden beverages.


In yet another cash grab partnership that is more suited for empty-headed Hollywood actors and actresses rather than a former “First Lady,” Michelle Obama has teamed up with Juggernaut Capital Partners, a private company that specializes in “celebrity-driven” junk food brands and pharmaceutical products, to promote PLEZi Nutrition beverages, which are anything but nutritious.


As with many other children’s drinks currently on the market, PLEZi Nutrition’s offerings are loaded with chemicals and sugar, which means they are the last thing a child should be drinking. Since there are billions of dollars to be made, though, Michelle Obama was eager to join the scheme.


“The pitch to Mrs. Obama was obvious and simple: we will make you a billionaire, using a tried and true formula of addicting kids to sugar and celebrity marketing,” one Twitter account wrote about the cringeworthy company launch, which was made possible by Juggernaut.


“Mrs. Obama’s business strategy is sound: get kids hooked early on an addictive product.”


(Related: In 2012, Michelle Obama launched a supermarket shopping guide for Americans that failed to warn them about genetically modified organisms [GMOs], synthetic sweeteners like aspartame, and other chemical contaminants found in processed foods.)

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.18816279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trudeau's brother claims Chinese donation to Trudeau Foundation was not 'foreign interference'


Alexandre Trudeau told MPs he signed the donation agreement for the foundation only because it involved the University of Montreal. He says it needed the approval of a Trudeau family member to use his father's name.


A founding member of the Trudeau Foundation and brother of Canada's prime minister testified before a Commons Committee Wednesday, where he dismissed labelling a controversial donation from China as foreign interference.


Alexandre Trudeau rejected the assertion of the Commons ethics committee that Zhang Bin and Niu Gensheng — the two Chinese donors — attempted to influence the Trudeau family with a $140,000 donation in 2016 to the Trudeau Foundation.


"No state and no individual attempted to influence the Canadian government through the foundation," he firmly said.


On April 28, the former head of the foundation, Pascale Fournier, dismissed her predecessor for misleading Canadians in December 2016 on the nature of the donation. Morris Rosenberg claimed the first $70,000 installment was "not recorded as a foreign donation since a Canadian entity paid it."


According to a 2016 tax receipt, the Trudeau Foundation attributed the first $70,000 installment to a Canadian subsidiary of a Chinese company — later identified in a Globe access-to-information request as the state-backed Millennium Golden Eagle International.


Trudeau told MPs he signed the donation agreement for the foundation only because it involved the University of Montreal. He said it needed the approval of a Trudeau family member to use his father's name.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.18816284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6382 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

Oh wow. Reid Hoffman, who was recently confirmed as a Epstein island visitor, is not only paying Jean Carroll’s legal fees. He also paid the legal fees for Fusion GPS.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, noon No.18816286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh wow. Reid Hoffman, who was recently confirmed as a Epstein island visitor, is not only paying Jean Carroll’s legal fees. He also paid the legal fees for Fusion GPS.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.18816333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6358 >>6410 >>6436 >>6469

DeSantis prohibits CCP from buying or owning farmland, influencing education


"Florida is taking action to stand against the United States’ greatest geopolitical threat — the Chinese Communist Party," said Governor Ron DeSantis.


On Monday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed three bills aiming to counteract the influence of the Chinese Communist Party on the state.


"Florida is taking action to stand against the United States’ greatest geopolitical threat — the Chinese Communist Party," said Governor Ron DeSantis in a press release. "I’m proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of our farmland and land near our military bases and critical infrastructure by Chinese agents, to stop sensitive digital data from being stored in China, and to stop CCP influence in our education system from grade school to grad school. We are following through on our commitment to crack down on Communist China."


Senate Bill 264 prohibits government entities from Extending or renewing contracts beginning in July of 2025 with an entity owned by or has a controlling interest by the government of a foreign country of concern, including China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and others, or if the business has a primary place of business in these countries of concern.


The bill also prohibits government entities from entering into, bidding on, or renewing contracts with an entity that would grant such an entity access to people’s personal identifying information unless the company can provide an affidavit showing that it isn’t owned or invested in by a foreign country of concern.


SB 264 also bans foreign countries of concern, including China, from directly or indirectly owning agricultural land in the state of Florida.


DeSantis also signed SB 846 into law, which prohibits state agencies and public schools from receiving any grant from a foreign country of concern that "constrains the freedom of contract of such public entity," allows the curriculum or values of the program to be controlled by a foreign country of concern, or promotes "an agenda detrimental to the safety or security of the United States or its residents."


SB 258 prohibits the use of applications maintained by people associated with foreign countries of concern that gather information like sensitive personal, financial, proprietary, or other business data, conduct surveillance and tracking of users, and use algorithms to conduct disinformation or misinformation campaigns on government-issued devices.


The signings come as DeSantis is poised to launch his presidential campaign in June, foregoing the deployment of an exploratory campaign. He previously made an international tour to build economic relations between Florida and countries like Britain, Japan, and South Korea.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.18816361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6401

Biden Regime Escalates War on Household Appliances to Advance “Climate Change” Agenda -Releases Crippling Rules Targeting Dishwashers – Crackdowns on Washers, Dryers and Refrigerators Also Under Consideration


The Biden Regime apparently wants all Americans to return to the days where Americans washed their clothes and hung them outside.


The Department of Energy (DOE) released devastating rules to dramatically slash water and energy use limits for Americans’ dishwashers below current levels.


Here is the DOE’s full scheme via Fox News:


The proposal would limit dishwashers to using 3.2 gallons of water per cycle, far below the current federal limit of 5 gallons. The rules would also require manufacturers to reduce their products’ energy consumption by nearly 30%.


Most dishwashers on the market are already well below the federal standard of 5 gallons, with most using 3.5 gallons per cycle or less.


The news only gets worse for American homeowners, however. Fox News also reveals the Regime is strongly considering brutal crackdowns on even more household appliances including washers, refrigerators, and dryers.


Manufacturers note these rules will have a crippling impact on performance.


The Department of Energy makes crystal clear these new rules are coming in order to advance Biden’s radical “climate change” agenda.


Collectively these energy efficiency actions … support President Biden’s ambitious clean energy agenda to combat the climate crisis.


This all marks the next step in the Regime’s efforts to completely alter our way of life. Recall that in February, The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila reported the Feds were considering a complete ban on gas stoves in America.


Biden officials later tried obfuscate to tamp down on the national uproar before partially admitting the truth in March saying the want to ban “some” gas stoves. New York in late April followed the Regime’s signals and became the first state to ban gas stoves.


While ordinary Americans will suffer from these horrific rule changes should they go into affect, the wealthy and powerful will remain unaffected. Rules are only for little people, you see.

Anonymous ID: da2623 May 8, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.18816380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6390 >>6395 >>6410 >>6431 >>6436 >>6469 >>6487

Drag 'makes you a better person': Charlize Theron, Amy Schumer, and Whitney Cummings star in 'Drag Isn't Dangerous' telethon


Numerous actors, musicians, and comedians participated in the "Drag Isn't Dangerous" online telethon, with actress Charlize Theron going so far as to say watching drag queens "makes you a better person."


The telethon, as reported by TimCast, aired Sunday, May 7, 2023 and featured popular performers such as Amy Schumer, Adam Lambert, Melissa McCarthy, Kelly Osbourne, Lance Bass, and Mandy Moore.


Several comedians also appeared on the broadcast, including David Cross, Sarah Silverman, and Whitney Cummings.


Between segments of drag queens appearing to pretend to answer phones were celebrity segments such as a video message from Charlize Theron.


"It's really, in all seriousness, there's so many things hurting and, really, killing our kids, and we all know what I'm talking about. And it ain't no drag queen," Theron began.


"Because if you've ever seen a drag queen lip sync for her life, it only makes you happier, it only makes you love more, it makes you a better person," the South African claimed.


Another segment of the show included a sketch showing a young boy in the dressing room of two drag queens, one of whom is purported to be the boy's uncle. The drag queens hand the boy a book that covers the topics "inclusion, equality, and respect," before his mother bursts into the room to ask him if he would be safer at an "amusement park, conversion therapy, or an NRA convention."


The boy responds, "Personally, I find the art form inspiring."


As the mother persists, one of the drag queens asks, "Look, lady, where do you think this kid is gonna feel safer, a room full of drag queens or a room full of Q-Anon Shaman?"


In another appearance, actor Jesse Eisenberg said, “The recent demonization of drag culture has been greatly upsetting and completely shocking to me.”


Comedian Sarah Silverman claimed “the number-one killer of children is guns, and these NRA pawns deflect it with a completely fabricated problem that puts the drag community in danger. The hypocrisy is astounding.”


The event's GoFundMe page raised over $530,000.


Promotional images stated that the event was sponsored by organizations that include the ACLU, Black Queer Town Hall, GLAAD, and many more.