Link from Q _ 3218
We broke down everything you need to know about the QAnon conspiracy.
Both Mike Rogers, Two different men!
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)
HPSCI Chairman says White House knew of ISIL threat for one year
I see the (DIRNSA) now, my bad.
“Trust nobody then verify why you don’t trust them.”
I know it says “Wind the clock” but could it also be “clock the wind” as in the wind blowing?
Just a thought!
Yeah, I caught that after posting and posted about my error to (you) and me.
Seems to be every military stooge, it’s disgusting and show how weak they really are. Always throwing out the battles they fought but yet none of them has the balls to do the right thing.
1 with “ALAN B. Krueger” there were others that popped up but were within other words like bALANced and unbALANced.