You human one, you are a warrior. I see many warriors reading these words in the near future. Many of you are warriors yet to understand your true power. You are light. Light is fire. We dragons breathe fire. You breathe light. It is the same. It is the same vital energy force of the All That Is.
I Verak speak. There is much change. Your militaries are on high alert for the changes that are about to be sweeping your world. Do not be afraid. Do not tremble at the wind. It is wind of change and your planet has needed winds of change for so long. I am showing this one a dark planet that is empty now with winds blowing through it. And now green shoots and vines are coming. The planet is reawakening after the scourge. Some planets recover by being repurposed. (I am seeing asteroid belts and hearing Maldek.) And yet your planet is to be redeemed. Gaia, the mighty one, the green goddess, she is reawakening. She will not be pillaged or plundered. No longer. Her time is coming. (I am hearing cracking chains and seeing handcuffs fall.) You have been handcuffed to your matrix programming. Many of your humans have been prisoners unknowingly. That is the easiest kind to control. Many of you are waking up and realizing the chains are mist and have been for a long while. Many of you see the power of light within you. What does light do? It casts light on shadows and the shadows disappear into it. The shadow matrix is disappearing.
I Verak am speaking. I am the general, director of change of a division of dragon warriors that has been rescuing the little ones, from the underbelly of your satanic matrix. These are not pleasant words for this one to type or for me to say. I was chosen for my strength. I see things that others cannot. I was chosen for my sheer will. Just as YOU have been. Human. We are no different. We are the breath of Source in different forms, yes, but that is it. We have the same purpose, the same strengths, in different manifestations. If Source had needed you to be another that would have occurred. You would not be here. But you are here. You are here now, in this time. In this time of fire, of light, of ash, of heat. This is when planets are rebirthed. This is the rebirthing of Gaia and all upon her. Much change is coming. Much planetary change is coming. And you will be protected, you are protected. But do not wallow in fear. You are not the weak sort.
I Verak am speaking. I rally my troops in much the same way as we face the demons that have been holding on so tightly to this realm. And we eat them, we gobble them up. They are nothing to us, and yet their strength is illusion, and enticement, and confusion. Those are their weapons. Do not give them your power or attention. Remember the mantra, I am light. I am love. I am the Strength of Source. I am the power of Source. If I had needed to be another I would have been. But that was not decided. I decided to be here. Just as you did. Warriors unite. You are the warriors of the surface. We are the warriors of the astral. Many of you also are warriors with us on the realm of the invisible, in your sleep state. We are friends. We are comrades at arms.