If libtards followed her around, surely the land whales would get stuck and plug the holes in fence. Sara would have to visit wall every couple weeks as coyote and predators would surely clean the carcasses up to just bones.
What was interesting about R post is it was of unity, it said we need each other, it said stop trying to fame/namefag. That if we dont come together collectively we are done.
If i was in the foxhole w most you fuckers there would be some serious STFU when the bellyaching, whining, and complaining starts happening.
If you are burnt out or feel the need to attack everyone leave. Take the night/day off and come back refreshed. Best thing you can do.
Trust me, Q and the battle for our freedom IS GOING TO CONTINUE w/o you and be just fine.
Of course everyone is needed but you can actually do a lot of harm being here w the wrong state of mind/attitude. Negativity is a disease and spreads.
Sorry tangent but the post was about coming together because WE ARE ALL WE HAVE.
Just a thought, chill and if you need time off.. for the board go.