I laugh at everyone who dismisses anything without reasonable logic and analysis. Hence why we are laughing at you. It is because you say it is. Or is not because YOU say it is or is not. You are the most hilarious types of all. The bottom of the barrel sheeple. No ability to think. Only follow your gut, not even your heart, let alone your brain.
Hmm, interesting. Why would you want the R fags to leave the main thread, when it's all Q related, true or not? More and more you're making me think you're a clown and there's more to the R post.
This id created an R thread to get people talking about it to leave this thread.
You anons should use ctrl-f to see the rest of his 16 posts and see what you think. All the makings of a nervous, scared shill clown, trying hard for some reason to distract everyone from several things.
How do you know this for sure? Proof, either way, needs to be shown. Simply giving an opinion is bullshit. That's what distracts half the board through division.