Mr K.
just following Janet Reno's orders.
Mr K.
just following Janet Reno's orders.
I know your secret you fucking motherfuckers.
Amama Ua Noa
I'm tellin ya look that KAPLAN name up as Clinton Donors. I seen it Personally in the NGP_VAN dump…
IIRC there's MORE Than one KAPLAN.
I hope they have a fucking civil war.
Straight Propaganda from s Canada's Bill C-10 or C-11 same as US's genocidal Smith Mundt Modernization Act .
added USAGM . GOV
fuck these motherfuckers. Thanks to BILL 10 and BILL 11 in CANADA I found you fuckers
taking notes:
All these fucking demons are MORBID OBESE
Dude do you even Wayne Madson?
A pattern I noticed.
The rotten fuckers in US gov like to sign things and commit treason
Mar 9 +- two weeks
May 11 +- two weeks
Rogue 1811's.
why not spy on the Masons /police around where the Nutrino's are at and crack their code with something you can take to a court and have them put the fuck away.
why not spy on the Masons /police around where the Nutrino's are at and crack their code with something you can take to a court and have them put the fuck away.
This pisses me off about The fucking State of America 2023.
America's troubles all started with TREASON in the US State Department and the US Military – specifically they've given out Security Clearances and Rubber stamped people who intend HARM, allowing commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity frauds to fill ballots, weapons vaults, media, medical, judges..
The only thing gona fix it is a NEW LAW and OATH. otherwise these demons will come right the fuck back
A new LAW and OATH ends these fucking demons in 24 hours peacefully.
America's Constitutional Republic WORKS only if good MEN run it.
A New LAW and OATH
old oath, + I swear to fight against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity frauds + so help me go.
Change the LAWS to not let them be in ballot, supply, appointed, elected, contracted, weapons secrets vaults, secure nets, transportation, agriculture, medicine.
BioChemical? they had 23 LIVE EXERCISES. And you need to look into Bio Agents, BIO MARKING using anthrax the FC pathway backdoor. using bioagents on unwilling people scaring of lung or gut to track and trace people.
the FBI got this FC pathway backdoor from CIA
the FBI/DOJ/SES are multinational terrorists that shouldn't exist under 10th Amendment
My money is on Schwang Wu has the Air Filter/Johnson controls contract.
O' keefe missed Schwang Wu… WHY?
I'm not part of ANY Q team. and so you can talk about this but YOU DOn"T TALK FOR ME.
While we was Watching the NAZI loving AZOV State Department's "china balloon(s)" the real threat was on the Ground in the Air Conditioning /HEPA FIlter contracts, Johnson controls.
Fox Smith Mundt Propaganda
Cleanup After O'Keefe?
You're move.
I don't care about Q this is TWICE you bring Q up.
STOP. It pisses me off enough to NOT CARE about whatever else you say.
If you know the man at the hotel is spying on your room thru the fucking phone, then call the fucking cops on that hotel manager and SHOW how he spied on your room that you can prove in a fucking court. ELSE shut the fuck up about Q. FUCK Q with CHAIN SAW.
Is it WRONG to be Jealous of you're Tranny?
While We Watch Big Mike for Potus, the WEF is gona build Gavin Newsom a Gulag for all Americans to go into.
As WEF build Gavin Newsom a giant gulag with built in Election Fortification ccp WIFI.
it's appealed.
Get Stroppy
Clarity without Clariton
did they elect the gang banger candidate?
Mass Remdesivir Formation, Mass Remdesivir Psychosis
I don't see Congress's Investigation and Oversight Powers having ARREST powers at all.
High Expectations of JACK SHIT Happening to anyone's freedom.
ArtI.S8.C18.7.1 Overview of Congress's Investigation and Oversight Powers
May 10th and 11th will be two more days they commit genocide, and treason.