Where's Hunter?
God Bless the Person that posted this sign
Biden Crime Syndicate Exposure persist
We're in the Pipe
the [F]ree [F]alling will Continue
Everything is as it was written
Biden Crime Family Exposure is the most Interesting thing
that has happening for the longest time
Following the Money in progress
Biden Said he Wasn't Funded by China
That is Proving to be a Lie
Group of Gov. Conspiracy Theorists Prove Biden Family Corruption Scheme was a Fact
Conspiracy to Reality
Theories into Fact
Biden Family Lectures Romanians about Corruption
While at the same time Deceptively & Secretly Pursuing Corrupt "Business" Dealings
Following the Money Proves Extremely Useful
All your LLC's are belong to us
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Biden Crime Family Caught Concealing Money from Taxes
Defrauding the American People
Meanwhile Trump Did it all for Free
Biden Crime Family Caught recieving Multiple Foreign Payments
What did they Do for the Money?
What did China Get for Millions of Dollars in Payments?
1,850 Boxes of Classified Documents still being Hidden by Biden Crime Syndicate
Trump was Impeached for Less
Begin the Biden Impeachment Process
for the Biden Crime Family Influence Peddling Scheme
16/17 Payments from Romania to the Bidens' occurred while Biden was VP
House Passes Budget Bill Avoiding Default
Senate Has House Budget Bill'
Still hasn't voted on it
6 weeks later
Spends it's time on useless thing
While America is in Threat of Default
DC Senate Refusing to Vote on $1.5 Trillion, Default Avoiding Budget Bill Passed by House weeks ago
DC Senate Setting Americans up Failure
If American Goes into Default
''It's on Chuck Schumer & the Senate''
The Biden Crime Family Exposed taking Bribe money from China for influence Peddling
Joe Bidens Son
Joe Bidens Brother
Joe Bidens Brother's Wife
Hunter Bidens Widow
Hunter Bidens Ex-Wife
Hunter Bidens Current Wife
Three Children of Hunter Biden & Jim Biden
Will anyone Ask about the Influence Peddling?
Will Joe Tell American Why the Senate Hasn't Voted on the Approved Budget Bill?
Will Joe Get Angry?
Stay Tuned!
100,000,000 Views in less than 24 Hours
156 Anons Waiting to see if there are any Real Journalists in the press pool
Or just Gov Funded Propagandist
Fake News Big Mad about Tucker/Twitter
There's going to be a Surprise Public Health Threat
Please Ramen Clam
Senate has the Budget Bill
House Passed 1.5 Trillion, Default Avoiding Budget Bill
What is the Senate doing
Why is the Senate Playing games with Americans
Stop playing Games with Americas Economy!
Senators Pass that approved House Bill
Senate & Joe Biden holding Americans Hostage
Senate has the Bill
Refuses to Vote on it
Democrats are Causing Chaos
Senate is to blame for the Default that is coming
These are the people that are putting Americans into Default
McCarthy Passed a House Budget Bill
Why doesn't the Senate Vote on it
Why don't they do the Right Thing?
Why are they putting American Family's at Risk?
The Ball is in the Senates hands
No matter how much they Blame the House
The Senate has the Ball
Wire Fraud, Money Laundering, Theft, False Statements, Tax Evasion
Talking about Cuts to the Education Sector
Fails to mention it's cutting
CRT & Racism Training
Giving 10-1 Odd's he get's mad
The Damn was Blown
Can't Stop the Flood Waters
But we can warn people to get to high ground
Impeachment Territory for sure
Veterans didn't do what they did for the Money
They did it because they Love their people & Country
Stop using vets as a Prop you sick, Corrupt old man
Joe's a Liar
It's Proven with the Exposure of his Crime Family Influence Peddling scheme
All Lies
Joes Pants are on Fire
He will say anything to get what he wants
Let's Pass the House Budget bill and see what happens
Trump did that
Biden is taking credit for Trumps Insulin Plan
The Man that just got caught Avoiding taxes in a Crime Family Syndicate Exposure & Pay to play Scheme
Talks about Other people paying their taxes
God Bless the Police that arrested this Pedo
Senate has the Approved $1.5 Trillion Default avoiding Bill
Refuses to Vote on it
Blames the House
Accuses McCarty of Being Dangerous
Has the House Bill and Refuses to Vote on it
Who is Holding Whom Hostage?
The Deafult is off the Table
The House Raised the debt Ceiling by $1.5 Trillion
If there's going to be a default
It'll be because the Senate refuses to Vote on the Approved bill
McCarthy has a Default Detonator
It's Economic Armageddon
The Senate has the Bill
Guess who is Threating to Destroy the Economy?
The Senate is blaming the House when everything is in their power now