And on (((their))) favorite number day: 23
My gut is saying a real possibility….especially the drops tying in…
Would be INCREDIBLE…awesome!
Good theory….and again, double-meanings…
(On a personal note, I KNOW the "greys" aka "wanna-be" minions, are REAL. I've actually encountered them…and rebuked them…by my authority in Christ. I believe that's the "stuff" Q eludes to in terms of the deeper rabbit hole and those who want to know - can.)
That's a bogus "argument"….of course values and guidelines MATTER.
This is an ENVIRONMENT which is being used by the Highest Office In This Country…to fight for CHILDREN!
By ALLOWING a "post" which degrades/depicts children being abused is the absolute definition of HYPOCRISY.
Delete it.
Nahh…my authority (in Christ) TRUMPS (pun intended) your "wanna-be's" any day of the week…
your "wanna-be" god is NO MATCH FOR THE ONE TRUE GOD.
Might think about changing sides instead of going down on his ship
Been saying it for months…believe MOST REAL ANONS are in agreement….but then there's the CLOWNS, and black hats who are the foul mouthed, division seeking ones who unfortunately, over-run the board at times…
Doesn't matter if the boy is USED in a "staged event"….HE IS THE INNOCENT ONE…being used…as always by the POWERS THAT BE.
That's the WHOLE POINT…CHILDREN ARE INNOCENT. PERIOD. They should NEVER BE "used" in any way depicting abuse.