Anonymous ID: 382b97 June 23, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.1882815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2833 >>2885 >>2892 >>3077 >>3241 >>3324 >>3527

NJ Governor Pitches 2,400% Tax Increase On Firearms


New Jersey's Democratic Governor Phil Murphy is floating a plan to increase taxes on buying and selling guns by up to 2,400%, according to Murphy estimates that the state will take in an additional $2 million in revenue from the tax, which would include raising handgun purchase permits from $2 to $50, and firearms ID cards required to own a gun or buy ammunition from $5 to $100. Permits to carry a handgun would skyrocket from $50 to $400. In comparison, neighboring Delaware and Pennsylvania charge fees for carrying of $65 and $20 respectively.

Such taxes, of course, would disproportionately affect the poor - as rich gun owners can simply pay up for personal protection. Given that the average salary of a New Jersey armed security officer is $19.42 an hour, Murphy's plan puts those who need to carry for their jobs under increased financial burden.

Gun dealers would also be affected by the change - with the cost of retail licenses to increase 10-fold from $50 to $500, while manufacturer licenses would jump from $150 to $1,500. The ATF charges similar fees of $200 and $150 respectively.


Murphy has rolled back several pro-gun reforms backed by the outgoing Chris Christie (R) administration, while shutting out Second Amendment groups and repeatedly blaming the gun lobby for the state's violent crime.

Anonymous ID: 382b97 June 23, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.1882844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2864 >>3077 >>3324

Facebook, Twitter Deactivate Hezbollah Accounts After Kidnapping Video Published


Hezbollah's television and news network Al Manar has confirmed that on Friday the Lebanese paramilitary group's "War Media" accounts on Twitter and Facebook were closed without notice. Hezbollah is now accusing the social media giants of taking part in an American "anti-media campaign" against the group which has already long been designated a terror organization by the US government. Neither Facebook nor Twitter have yet to give official comment.


Though it's not the first time Hezbollah's Facebook page has been blocked (it occurred in 2017, but later went active again), the move by Facebook and Twitter could be in relation to the current Syrian Army and allied forces major offensive in Syria's southwest, where a major campaign is underway to liberate Daraa.

Anonymous ID: 382b97 June 23, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.1882942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3077 >>3324

New Trump Options for Escaping ACA Can Lower Cost of Care, Not Just Cost of Coverage


The Department of Labor has finalized a rule allowing more options outside of the failing and exorbitantly priced “Affordable Care Act” plans for some 15 million Americans who are self-employed, their 25 million employees, and millions more family members.

The ruling would allow these individuals greater flexibility to band together in Association Health Plans (AHPs). “AHPs are about more choice, more access, and more coverage,” explained Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta following the release of the rule.

It is estimated that by 2022 AHP-run plans would cost $8,700 to $10,800 less per person per year than individual market plans, according to an Avalere study.

Reducing premium cost isn’t the only potential advantage for participants in AHPs. “To maximize the impact AHPs can have on lowering costs, the plans should shun arrangements with big insurance, and self-fund instead,” stated the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).


Cutting out the middlemen from the patient-doctor relationship means dollars are more likely to be spent on actual care instead of, for example, preauthorizations, utilization review, appealing claims denials, and other administrative tasks imposed by third-party payers.

Self-funded arrangements would also increase the market demand for transparent pricing, as pioneered at the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, where posted prices are often one-tenth the list price of procedures at hospital facilities. Transparency not only pushes down prices, but increases overall patient and physician satisfaction, as shown in a recent study from Johns Hopkins University. Patients benefit when allowed options for medical care without first being forced to pay an entity such as UnitedHealth Group, which surpassed $200 billion in revenue for the first time in 2017.


Direct Primary Care is another innovative model demonstrating the power of excising third parties, resulting in lower costs for both routine and chronic care, and related services like imaging, labs, and prescriptions.


“We applaud this increased freedom from swamp-care, and look forward to further steps that will empower patients to control their own spending and care,” concludes AAPS.

Anonymous ID: 382b97 June 23, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.1883214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3229 >>3238 >>3240 >>3258

Never understood why people do this…

Anyone up for a BBQ? I know this spot.


Activists, celebrities launch hunger strike to end Trump's 'zero tolerance' policy


McALLEN, Texas – Celebrities and everyday Americans turned immigration activists have launched a 24-day hunger strike aimed at pressuring the Trump administration to end its "zero tolerance" immigration policy.


Organized in part by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization, the protest began at noon Saturday in front of a symbolic loaf of bread a few blocks from the federal courthouse in McAllen, the busiest station for detaining migrants trying to enter the United States from Mexico.

The hunger strike will last 24 days to mark the estimated 2,400 children forcibly separated from their parents while crossing the border. Participants will each fast for 24 hours before passing off to someone else. Organizers asked that anyone participating donate money or food to border organizations like La Union del Pueblo Entero.