Anonymous ID: 41de05 June 23, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.1882781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2800 >>2802 >>2827 >>3231

Guys, I don't understand why Trump doesn't have control of the media.


Why are traitors like clapper and brennan and other CIAniggers allowed to spew their hate filth all over America all day instead of BEING IN FUCKING JAIL.


Congress has passed laws allowing the dissemination of domestic propaganda. The pentagon has full control over the MSM if they want it for things like war in the middle east. Now we have POTUS and Q, but we're still getting bombed like Dresden on a daily fucking basis.


And Congress still passes more laws authorizing control of the media. Except it's aimed at countering "Russian propaganda", i.e. us.


The Deep State is in control of the narrative. They own the MSM. Yet we have POTUS and Q.


Q "has it all". POTUS has authority to declassify it all. POTUS is in charge of all three letter agencies. POTUS can run the MSM if he so chooses.




Q and POTUS are being fucking faggots for not doing what needs to be done. The enemy is relentless. They'd round us all up and put us in FEMA camps if they could. Yet we're playing pussie foot during WAR?


Q, I demand that you release the MAGA bombs of Justice on these motherfuckers. POTUS, I demand that you use ALL of your authority to take control of this fucking situation and get the job fucking done.


God Damn It.


POTUS has authority over (pic related).