Real POTUS CNN townhall notes.
POTUS: If you look at the FBI and Twitter what they call Twitter files,….
CNN wench interrupts.
POTUS: If you look at what happened in Pennsylvania
CNN Wench interrupts.
POTUS: Our country's gone to hell.
CNN Wench interrupts.
POTUS: Let's just win it again and straighten out our country. (audience claps).
CNN wench smirks.
POTUS: YOu're not stupid at all but you're given an agenda or you have an agenda.
Millions and millions are coming across our border. We had title 42….
CNN wench interrupts with question about January 6th.
POTUS: IT was the largest crowd I've ever spoken to…..that was because they thought the election was rigged. I was asked to come in, would I make a speech? I brought a list of things….Crazy Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington D.C. were in charge of security.
CNN wench interrupts: They're not in charge of the national guard.