Judges for all time has been corrupt. I thought this interesting about Psalms and King David
1 Samuel 16; 18:1–22:2 and selected Psalms
After Moses and Joshua died, the people ofIsrael were governed by a series of judges and priests. This was an effective system only if the leaders (e.g., the judges) and people were committed to following the Lord. The book of Judges in the Old Testament records the failure of the people and leaders under this system. God had predicted this failure (Deuteronomy 17:14-15) and knew that eventually Israel would be ruled by a king.
Just before 1051 BC, the year Saul became king, the people of Israel demanded that Samuel (the prophet) select a king to rule over them.Samuel’s sons were dishonest judgesand thereby disqualified for the job. God had predicted Israel’s desire for a king so they could “be like other nations” (1 Samuel 8:20). However, God had called Israel to be different from all other nations. In calling for a king, Israel was indirectly rejecting God as ruler.
The Lord agreed to let the people have a king to rule them, thus Saul was chosen as the first king of Israel. Saul was a “choice and handsome man” and stood head and shoulders above all other men. Though Saul looked the part, he was impetuous, hot-tempered, disobedient and jealous. Saul was 30 years old when he became king and reigned over Israel 42 years. After Saul openly disobeyed God twice, God told Samuel (1 Samuel 13:13-14) that his kingdom would not endure and that God had sought out a man after his own heart. That man was David.