Not new, post deleted, no free speech here anymore.
You might as well just lay down your weapons and surrender because if the Government or Military won't defend our borders and The PATRIOTs aren't willing to step up to stop the invasion.
Then we have already lost the U.S.A.
This guy…Mr. Crane is laying down some truths…and not taking any shit!!!
oh, this is the hearing with Jonathan Turley….I like him, he should be a Justice!!!
No, he didn't, baker must be a democrat who just doesn't like RED TEXT…what a fuck'in baby…
well, ok, then maybe you can explain to me why there was a RED TEXT post that was deleted and I posted again(without Red Text) and it's fine…is the Admin allergic to RED TEXT or was it something that was said that they didn't like….here is the same post…
You might as well just lay down your weapons and surrender because if the Government or Military won't defend our borders and The PATRIOTs aren't willing to step up to stop the invasion.
Then we have already lost the U.S.A.
Some guy on a megaphone is interrupting the press briefing…hilarious.