It would have really worked if the punter played for the Patriots. That is a Viking
Like George Washington we attack when we have the advantage, fall back and regroup to fight again.
This is not the beginning of the end but the end of the be ginning.
There will come a time when we stand toe to toe and fight them.
That time is not now.
Time is on our side.
POTUS controls the executive.
The cabal cannot do anything without exposing their position.
Be patient.
They are unraveling.
I view the Russia cover for every cover story as a catch all for the crookedness of the Obama administration.
I am making a mind map and need help from anons.
How did the narrative spinners use the muh Russia excuse to do their dirty deeds.
The claim that Russians hacked the DNC/HRC. If you have heard William Binney's description as to why this is ludicrous you understand that this lie was used as part of the foundation for the muh Russia related lies to come.
The Intelligence Community Assessment - the one in which they claimed that 'all 17 intelligence services agreed' that the Russians attempted to effect the outcome of the election. Except that it did not represent all 17 but, rather, it was an Assessment rather than a formal Estimate and it was only endorsed by the DNI, CIA and the FBI.
Who were the heads of those at this time?
DNI - James Clapper
CIA - John Brennan
FBI - Jim Comey
This ICA was also foundational for the justification to commit pre planned crimes.
The Steele Dossier - used in part as a way to manufacture evidence so that President Elect and then President Trump could be placed under surveillance.
The moles sent into the Trump campaign were assets of the FBI. They were deployed to plant connections between members of the Trump campaign and muh Russia.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller was originally appointed because Comey had created enough doubt as to obtain the public support from Congress and the Press to politically validate the ongoing Witch Hunt.
Can you think of more bullshit related to muh Russia?
If you do please add.