Did u look up all the other ones? Are they legit?
oldfag detected
I did that first but seent one called mksomething and it was together, so I tried together and that came up but not a whole lot moar. U have something to go on now tho.
Oh wild, that's so weird. I was telling my friend yesterday about patent 2020060606 to hook us up to crypto and it has luciferase in it and as i was telling my friend it glows green, I could tell he was sort of doubting me because he saw the vials and stole one because he wanted the certificate but didn't want to leave anything behind, kmfao, so he just took the whole thing and saw it was a clear fluid, and then there is my answer … I bet they're talking about luciferase. Woooooow … This is awesome.
Oh wow, right there in Georgetown. Woah, IRS too. This fukken thing is loaded, kek!