Anonymous ID: 8ba0d1 May 14, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.18844839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4847 >>4917 >>4990

>>18844196 pb

E. Carroll was a script writer, right? She wrote pulp fiction? She had a column about sex where she counseled women with problems? And promoted a "Woman's Lib" positive sex view.

==she 's just as crappy a writer as the C-A NWO Project Gladio spooks who write up the false-flag events, and the scripts for the crisis actors.

Carroll's story is so full of implausibilities only hard-core Trump Haters (Trump conspiracy theorists) could believe in it

'those things do happen, ya know'

Same people who believe any fakenews bullshit believe her lame story.


how to spot a crisis actor

by PeeKay


Lets say ur "best friends" with these 2D TV characters, like "AJ" or A. Cooper; you believe whatever the fuck they tell you. You go where they want you to go.

It's implausible, but, 'these things happen"

and they'd rather believe the ridiculous, the impossilbe than entertain the notion their "best TV friends" betray them.

It's less hurtful.

Anonymous ID: 8ba0d1 May 14, 2023, 5:30 a.m. No.18844858   🗄️.is 🔗kun


according to directoranon, that's what happened to filmmaking in Hollywood" since 2001; they only give jobs to their cult members; and those people are stoopid.

So all the good writers, scores of them, killed themsleves and lost their careers.

according to director anon.


been meaning to show about the hand prints.. there's more, but notice how the girl displays her palm on the glass?

What could that be a reference to/