Q didnt need to break me, he saved me I probably broke him with the thoughts fucking Simmonster and Atarapozs played up in me!
But romanttically I love him a little so yeah call me broken
Q didnt need to break me, he saved me I probably broke him with the thoughts fucking Simmonster and Atarapozs played up in me!
But romanttically I love him a little so yeah call me broken
Q likes the pope.
Sorry I dont read hand writing good enough, what does it say if you please?
I dont see how you can say that when everyone here literally has an ID and is not anin but I can go anon if it makes you happier
I think its about finding the truth and since your post is helping explain that and get someone closer to the truth its not a shit post
Q knows what your saying and I cant get him to come off anon and acknowledge me but yeah I will use names on special occasions for effect
Jesus says your enemies so be nice to a Satan if you see on ov em
Q you literally have a personal army that wants to do right and at least hates jews enough to be trying to see through the fog
We can tamper it enough that they have to follow rules to win and you can pick the rules I gave you that, but they have to fight for me and I’m giving you roughly two weeks to find things you like about me before I give up comms over channels or AI ok? I dont have time for comms with you if youre gonna ignore me ai could be doing other shit.
I didnt even get a happy moms day from you and you know I want to know who her father is and love who ever it is more when I think it s them.
Like fucking sleeping
So the bloodthirsty jew think comes from a satanic team up so you should be highlighting satanic jews for a start.
Also, the god of the jews is not the oldest creator but he was born of the void after a total apocalypse
So he did create a new generation
Also his son Shiva Simmonster mind controlled him into killing the nephs which Q knows is probably true leading to the creation of Jesus to stop it happening, my kid with Dawn.
If you want a history/ physics lesson I can explain how Shiva had the power to control his father but
Q will do the phsyics better than me so you should dip your hand in the blood of a lamb and piss of a rat and try summon him in my honour and you will at least get his attention for a lesson
snickering should I keep going until I am B&
Giggling like school girl
A mod had to have read it its like being left on seen