>Alright who in charge here?
Highest ranking anon checking in.
What can I help you with?
Anon ate a jalapeno burger for late lunch Friday, and it just exited the building.
Is 60 hours too long?
Sounds like an interesting experiment. Will fuck around and find out.
Not even close to soy. Came from 10/10 BBQ joint in prime location right next to gravel pit.
Wifeanon keeps asking why I buy so much gravel.
Sorry anon. There's nothing else we can do for your mom but send prayers her way.
>Yuckie, too tall.. I think.
5' 1"
Nah, she'd just not a lard barge.
Fitting through doorways makes everyone look taller.
We wuz plannin on bing kings and sheit!
All the better to level out your beer can.