GRIM HOAX Why is ‘George Soros dead’ trending?
Harry Goodwin
Published: 3:44 ET, May 15 2023Updated: 4:06 ET, May 15 2023
GRIM HOAX Why is ‘George Soros dead’ trending?
Harry Goodwin
Published: 3:44 ET, May 15 2023Updated: 4:06 ET, May 15 2023
California Dems sowed the reparations
wind and are reaping the whirlwind
American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg
Posted By: Magnante, 5/15/2023 4:29:48 AM
One day, America’s black citizens will realize that Democrats always make promises they will not or cannot fulfill. The latest example is the reparations folly currently playing out in California. Black Californians are beginning to realize they were watching Kabuki reparations theater. In September 2020, right before the big election, the California legislature enacted Assembly Bill 3121, setting up a “Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans” (snip) Despite the task force only being advisory, blacks really believed that its recommendations would send money their way. (snip) Gavin Newsom announced that there would be no reparations money for any blacks.
What are all thse illegals going to do?
Townhall, by Mark Lewis
Posted By: sagman, 5/15/2023 5:05:51 AM
So, the gate to illegal entrance into America is now open wider than it was before .[snip] But what will [the migrants] do? Well, a variety of things, none good because they are here illegally—at least for a while. But here are some possibilities to keep them occupied.
The author makes a point I've not seen elsewhere. Sure, many will wind up picking crops and working menial jobs in factories. But millions of others will go on the public dole and stay there, disillusioned the streets are not paved with gold. A permanent, angry underclass.
And if the situation proves intolerable for the illegals, they, too, will become a discontented mass, angry, and ripe for Leftist propaganda. In history, when this kind of brew is stirred into a national pot, it usually takes a strongman (dictator) to step forth and subdue it, taking away everyone’s liberties in order to create stability. Once he gets power, he never gives it up. It happened in many countries in the 20th century, and it can happen in the 21st, too.
Welcome to Joe Biden’s America, deliberately manufactured. An increasingly seething, boiling cauldron of discontent. I have no answers to this one. I’ve seen it too many times in history. Once the avalanche starts, there is no way to stop it.
Emma Kenny
The WHO are groomers!!! Fury over WHO's sex education about 'early childhood masturbation' for UNDER-FOURS | Daily Mail Online
Fury over WHO's sex-ed about 'childhood masturbation' for UNDER-FOURS
Laura Anne Jones (pictured), the Tory shadow minister for education in Wales, said the WHO needs to 'rescind the advice immediately'.
10:52 PM · May 14, 2023