Anonymous ID: 25f7dc May 15, 2023, 6:18 a.m. No.18850151   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Don't need a "Granite 41" millstone for just a handful of pedovores.


The G41 is rated worth submerge up to 50 obese pedos, however buoyant, when properly secured to the G41 in the reusable aquatic termination harness.


T0 be sure, a G41 (41" diameter Georgia Granite) would be heavy enough to take a hundred pedos to the muddy bottom, but QR millstone rating authorities are very conservative and refuse to rate millstone's execution capabilities as highly as millstone makers claim the stones warrant.


Image is the 41 inch Georgia millstone, heavy and durable enough to take 100 cultist pedovore to the bottom with lifejackets on.


โ€œFar from the fiery noon, and eveโ€™s one star,


Sat gray-hairโ€™d Saturn, quiet as a [mill] stoneโ€

Anonymous ID: 25f7dc May 15, 2023, 6:23 a.m. No.18850169   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Shills know that high pressure and grave responsibility are part of the territory when protecting a pedovore death cult .


What people don't know is shills are paid a pittance, have no retirement plan, no medical coverage and many suffer from crippling mental illnesses, demonic possession and frank dementia.


Our shills look forward to a future of huffing tire sealant and being sodomised in institutions until they are hurled headlong into the exterior darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.


This, despite the fact that shills ultimate (earthly) employer is the satanic Rothschild family, reputed to be the wealthiest on earth. Rothschilds don't set much store by their faithful minions, and stan himself despises graceless failure epitomised by a shill. The husks of drained minions are transparent - sucked to transparency, they litter the lawns at Waddeston Manor. Failure, understand, is not a satanic virtue.


We open our hearts to our QR shills, pray for their repentance, welcome their redemption, joyously celebrate their resurrection and return to human life.


What can I do to help?


Do not reply to shill posts. Replies sustain false hope, and shills may postpone seeking God.



Sponsored by:


SHILLTRUST(tm) Financial Services LLC, (Vanuatu)


United Brotherhood of Shills, Perjurers and Blasphemers


The Slopes Foundation