Anonymous ID: 52d48d May 15, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.18850234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

15 May, 2023 12:37

Prigozhin denies talking to Kiev about selling out Russian troops

An alleged meeting with Ukrainian intel agents in Africa would have been “physically impossible” for him to attend, he says


Evgeny Prigozhin, the head of Russia’s Wagner private military company, claims it would have been “physically impossible” for him to meet with Ukrainian military intelligence agents in Africa to make a treasonous proposal to them. The alleged contacts were described by the Washington Post based on purported leaks from the Pentagon.


The outlet claimed on Sunday that classified US documents, which made their way to the public through a Discord server, claim there had been communication between Prigozhin and Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR).


The Wagner head allegedly sought to have Ukrainian troops withdraw from the area around the bitterly contested city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut) in order to ease the pressure on his own troops for a while,in exchange for information on Russian troop positions elsewhere. The alleged contacts were said to take place by phone and an in-person meeting in Africa, where the Wagner Group is also active.


Prigozhin dismissed the report as “speculation dumped by the Washington Post” and insisted he had not been to Africa since months before the hostilities in Ukraine broke out in February 2022. He suggested that the newspaper was overstating the supposed intel or had fallen victim to planted disinformation.


The Post said two Ukrainian officials confirmed the contacts between Prigozhin and the GUR, but when the newspaper asked Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky about them, he appeared to be angered and demanded to know who the sources in his government were.


“Who is talking about the activities of our intelligence? Because this is the most severe felony in our country,” he said, before accusing the newspaper of trying to help Russia. The Post later redacted this portion of the interview on its website.


In a statement, Prigozhin alluded to the apparent act of self-censorship, calling into question the Post’s reliability.


(So is the US using WAPO to conduct a psyop on both Russia and Ukraine? Seemingly to make Ukraine and Russia not trust the Wagner group and Ukraine not trust the GRU. The US has wanted to destroy Wagner Group for quite some time, because they are winning or holding their own in the battles.)

Anonymous ID: 52d48d May 15, 2023, 6:43 a.m. No.18850252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0306 >>0642 >>0855

15 May, 2023 13:01

Moscow claims first intercept of UK-made long-range projectile

A Storm Shadow cruise missile was listed among several Western weapons shot down by Russian air defenses


Russian forces have stopped a UK-supplied cruise missile along with several other weapons fired by Ukrainian forces, the Defense Ministry reported in its daily update on Monday. London confirmed delivering Storm Shadow weapons to Ukraine last week, with Kiev promptly using them to attack the city of Lugansk.


The Defense Ministry claimed havingintercepted in the previous 24 hours seven anti-radiation HARM missiles, one Storm Shadow missile and seven rockets fired by HIMARS multiple launch weapon systems. It was the first time that Moscow reported downing one of the projectiles supplied by the UK since Kiev started firing them last week.


The local authorities in Lugansk blamed the new addition to Ukraine’s arsenal for several recent airstrikes on the Russian city. On Monday morning, two of them caused damage to residential buildings, an office, and two cars in the city, a regional monitor reported.


Acting Governor Leonid Pasechnik said that a military aviation school had been hit but that the attack did not cause any casualties, citing preliminary reports from the scene.


Before London sent its cruise missiles, which can strike targetsup to 300km (200 miles) away, Kiev did not have any Western weapons with a comparable range. The Ukrainian government had pleaded for months to acquire such arms, but the US and its allies were previously reluctant to extend Ukraine’s striking capability.


London said the new weapons will bolster the Ukrainian forces for the long-promised counteroffensive against Russia.


The Storm Shadows were touted as a game changer by some media outlets, which reported the impending deliveries days before an official confirmation by the UK. The MBDA-produced missile was described as having some stealth capability thanks to its relatively small size andability to hug terrain to avoid radar detection.

Anonymous ID: 52d48d May 15, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.18850321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0329 >>0369

May 15, 2023

How the Morlocks Seized New York

By Jack Cashill.1/2

If, in 1984, an inventive New Yorker set his time travel machine to the year 2023, the city in which he arrived would confound him. Although the New York City of today looks much like that of 1984, our time traveler would have a hard time understanding the people, almost as hard a time as H.G. Wells's "Time Traveler" did when his machine arrived in the year 802,701.


The public response of the average New Yorker to the arrest of former Marine sergeant Daniel Penny calls to mind the "Eloi" response to Wells's Traveler. The Eloi were the little, pretty people of the future whom the Time Traveler encountered. "Once the favored aristocracy" says the Traveler, "the Eloi, like the Carolingian kings, had decayed to a mere beautiful futility."


The passivity of the Eloi allowed the subterranean Morlocks, once their servants, to become their masters. "Already the Eloi had begun to learn one old lesson anew," says the Traveler. "They were becoming reacquainted with Fear." Unfortunately for their future, the Eloi had lost their spines.Eloi males no longer had even the instinct to rescue one of their ownfrom peril or to defend themselves from the creeping cannibalism of the Morlocks.


Enter the Time Traveler. Writing the The Time Machine in 1895, Wells endowed his protagonist with those many virtues expected of an Englishman in the age of Victoria and Kipling. Tempted to leave behind the chaos he found in the future,the Traveler feels honor-bound to intervene; to save the Eloi from extinction; and, in the process, to show them how to save themselves.


After serving four years in the Marines, the 24-year-old Daniel Penny arrived in New York City almost as innocent as Wells's hero and likely as brave. "I have always been inspired by the ambition and grit," he posted on social media. "After high school and unsure of my future, I enlisted in the Marine Corps in search of adventure." In the Marines, Sergeant Penny served as squad leader on two deployments.


Unlike most young men of this era, Penny pulled his inspiration from Cervantes's Don Quixote, a novel that at its most literal interpretation would have reinforced his Marine Corps values. As Penny learned during this past week, if not before, his values and those of his fellow New Yorkers were as out of sync as those of Wells's hero and the Eloi.


In subterranean New York,Penny came face to face with a modern Morlock, Jordan Neelyby name. Neely had been arrested 42 times in the past 10 years and had a well documented mental health history. The NYPD knew he was dangerous. They had arrested Neely most recently in November 2021 on felony assault charges after he punched a 67-year-old female stranger in the face.


Two years later, Neely was roaming free. After 20 years of good governance, the left took over New York's City Hall with the installation of Bill de Blasio in 2014. Since then, the Morlocks of New York, armies of them, have been emboldened to terrorize the Eloi on the streets and on the subways. Hardly a day passes without some new video surfacing of a Morlock striking or threatening an Eloi while the other Eloi pretend not to see.


It seems somehow appropriate that Neely died on May 1, the ultimate feast day on the revolutionary calendar. Eleven days later, the Morlocks' enablers got their way. Manhattan's district attorney, Alvin Bragg,feeling the need to sacrifice a white man to the woke gods, charged Penny with manslaughter….

Anonymous ID: 52d48d May 15, 2023, 7:06 a.m. No.18850329   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Penny clearly did not intend to kill Neely. He expected to restrain him until the police arrived. I suspect that from what he learned in the Marines and in the books he read, Penny had been trained to intervene when a madman threatens to kill the innocent people around him.



Penny's response was measured. According to witnesses, he did not leap into action until after Neely started issuing death threats. "I would kill a m---," said Neely. "I don't care. I'll take a bullet. I'll go to jail." However unintentionally, Penny helped Neely fulfill his death wish.


Penny certainly did not expect to be called a murderer, but he misjudged New York circa 2023. "Jordan Neely was murdered, tweeted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. "While many in power demonize the poor, the murderer gets protected w/ passive headlines + no charges. It's disgusting."


This was not the New York of 1984. That was the year that the nerdy Bernard Goetz shot four teenage thugs on a New York City subway car. In watching news from that era, I am reminded of just how shabby New York City had become before the 20-year renaissance overseen by Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg. I am reminded too of just how much New Yorkers have changed over the past 40 years.


Unlike the soft and spineless New Yorkers of today, everyday New Yorkers of 1984 were often bold and outspoken. I would encourage readers to search YouTube for "Bernie Goetz" and watch the news clips from that era. Although the white Goetz shot four black teenagers, New Yorkers, black and white, were not afraid to speak out in Goetz's defense. These were real New Yorkers, toughened by a life riding subways. They cared more about justice than race.


In 2023, radicals have no hesitance about speaking out, but everyday New Yorkers certainly do. Beaten down by years of oppressive political correctness, they come off as feckless as their Wellsian counterparts. That said, I suspect that the great majority of them, certainly the subway riders, are pulling quietly for Penny.


Like the Eloi, they are "becoming reacquainted with Fear." If that fear does not motivate them to champion Daniel Penny and acquit him, the Morlocks will own the city until it dies.

Anonymous ID: 52d48d May 15, 2023, 7:27 a.m. No.18850425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0431

May 15, 2023

Stay Faithful, Because History Starts Today

By J.B. Shurk

If you're like me, the news cycle is one smack to the face after the next. It's not even a "cycle" at this point; it feels more like crawling out of bed under relentless machine-gun fire of bad news and trying to survive the day without getting hit.


In this sense, getting "hit" is letting the bastards get you down (excuse my French). It's not easy, and it's not for the faint of heart. I look at it as a special challenge that all normal, non-woke, patriotic Americans must accept as part of living through this period of great change.


Can you witness all the cultural chaos and national hara-kiri, take a deep breath, give an affirmative nod to the Almighty, and say, "Lay it on me; let's have it; I can take more"? Because, at the end of the day, this spiritual contest for the West's future will not be won by those with the most money, power, or spy toys at their disposal.It will be won by those who take everything in stride and continue to stand. In a battle of wills, strength of character alone determines who will prevail.


Now, that's a pretty simple truth that we all often ignore, is it not? It is easy to look at the vast array of forces set against us — a corrupt central government dedicated to censorship, political persecution, and open borders; a corporate oligarchy intent on eliminating private property for all but the reigning few; a new world order where Marxist globalism trades freedom for servitude — and conclude that there is little else to do but grab the nearest cardboard sign and scrawl a final, lamentable warning: "The End Is Nigh."….


To surrender and accept defeat just as things get tough, though,is almost like giving away our principles for free. Surely, that doesn't make sense. Let me ask you this: "Who are more committed to their beliefs — faithful servants of God who know that family, friends, fellowship, and freedom are worth the cost of any fight, or an army of woke foot soldiers who just learned yesterday what they claim to believe today and will decide tomorrow that what they believe today should be outlawed?" Beliefs made from sand soon blow away; thosetoughened through pressure and time become as resilient as diamond.…


From that standpoint, this ensuing cultural struggle is important because it allows those who know the difference to once again separate the wheat from the chaff. ..


The vital thing to remember is this: don't panic. Things are never as good or as bad as they seem….

It is faith that steadies the doubters. It is faith that readies the strong. It is faith that shields against dangers. It is faith that settles past wrongs. In the end, one thing remains indubitably true:faith wins the day.


So we won't panic. We will keep our faith. And when enough of us choose to stand in History's way, any mountains before us will move. I believe that, and I hope you do, too…


It is no surprise, then, that the only political language today's ruling factions know is social division….


What if this centuries-long psychological operation is finally starting to fail? What if government control mechanisms are kicking into higher gears not because the ruling factions have become more powerful, but rather because they are becoming more vulnerable? What if, hidden behind the censorship, propaganda, and surveillance, a real movement for change is taking hold? The future always seems certain…until it isn't.