Anonymous ID: 7392ad May 15, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.18850108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0115 >>0117 >>0124 >>0158 >>0173

It's gonna beBIBLICAL…



MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan Hits Ron DeSantis With Absolutely Biblical Fact-Check


MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan tore into conservatives such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for celebrating Daniel Penny, the man charged with manslaughter in the death of Jordan Neely on the New York City subway earlier this month.


Neely, 30, was reportedly “yelling” at passengers on the train. Penny, a 24-year-old veteran, put him in a chokehold, and New York’s Office of Chief Medical Examiner ruled Neely’s death a homicide.


DeSantis praised Penny as a “good Samaritan,” which Hasan found baffling.


“I’m a Muslim, but I’ve read my Bible. I’ve read the Gospel of Luke, the parable of the good Samaritan who helps the injured traveler after the priest and another man failed to do so,” he told fellow MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin on Sunday night. “I don’t remember the good Samaritan choking the traveler to death.”


Mohyeldin said it’s clear that the Republican Party is not, as is so often claimed, “the party of God.”


“They are not a party that demonstrates compassion in the spirit of Christianity,” he said, pointing to GOP policies on everything from immigration to homelessness as well as its open embrace of vigilantism.


Hasan sarcastically offered a suggestion to those not-very-Christian Christians.


“Maybe they should fund free Bibles like you get in hotel rooms to Trump supporters to actually read the parable of the good Samaritan,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 7392ad May 15, 2023, 6:18 a.m. No.18850152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0164


>George Soros is NOT dead


Jan 13, 2018 11:16:59 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 17


MSM coming - BIG WAY.

We see all.

We hear all.


CONSPIRACY push coming.










Anonymous ID: 7392ad May 15, 2023, 6:54 a.m. No.18850287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Must be talking about BIDEN.

Mr. king of Creepy Whispering


Migrants say rumors encouraged many to cross before Title 42 ended


EL PASO, Texas — The end of Title 42 came and went without an immediate influx of migrants here, defying predictions of local and federal officials. More than a day after the pandemic-era law lifted, it remained to be seen what lay in store for many migrants and the border towns where they reside, however temporarily.


In total, Border Patrol apprehended just over 6,200 undocumented migrants crossing the border on Friday, the first day after Title 42 was lifted, two Homeland Security officials told NBC News on Saturday. That figure was lower than the 11,000 apprehended each day on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as the 10,000 apprehended on Thursday.


The mayor of El Paso said Friday that "We have not seen any big numbers" when compared with last week.


Multiple migrants still in El Paso said that the reason for the decrease on the numbers of those crossing could be attributed to rapidly spread online rumors anda whisper networkin Juárez, Mexico, saying that the time to cross was before Title 42’s end. They said they feared their best chance to come to the U.S. was about to expire.



Anonymous ID: 7392ad May 15, 2023, 7:14 a.m. No.18850369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0453


The shit show will continue as long as central casting et al, is allowed to operate in the dark.

All these FF ops, that are the division networks are still hidden. Tell me these two aren't both actors with a straight face. Penny has MILLIONS in defense fund money now? WAKE UP!!! He's NO KYLE.


It's not enough to see it, and know the mind warfare shit, when there is no information on WHO is behind it OUT IN THE OPEN.


We get it… they have to be SHOWN, but what the fuck is the point, when they still can't SEE IT WITH THEIR OWN EYES?


KNEELY is George Floyd OP 2.0.

It is looking more and more like Q LOVES THE WHITE HATRED GAME.


Never, have I EVER encountered so much hatred of white people, on a personal level, out in public like I have this past year. Fuck your game. ENOUGH!

Anonymous ID: 7392ad May 15, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.18850435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moar BIBILCAL references today. Interesting…

Gatekeeper won't post em though, cause muh yahoo.


Co-workers could bear costs of accommodating religious employees in the workplace if Supreme Court tosses out 46-year-old precedent


The Supreme Court may soon transform the role of faith in the workplace, which could have the effect of elevating the rights of religious workers at the expense of co-workers.


On April 18, 2023, the court heard oral arguments in Groff v. DeJoy, a case addressing an employer’s obligation to accommodate religious employees’ requests under federal law. The dispute involves a Christian postal worker who quit his job and sued the U.S. Postal Service after he was unable to find coverage for his Sunday shifts. Current law requires employers to make accommodations for workers’ religious requests only if doing so doesn’t impose more than a minimal cost on their business, known as the “de minimis” standard.


After listening to the oral arguments in the case, I believe it’s very likely the court will overturn the de minimis standard and require employers to accommodate more religious requests. As Justice Gorsuch stated, “I think there’s common ground that de minimis can’t be the test, in isolation at least, because Congress doesn’t pass civil rights legislation to have de minimis effect, right?”


In my view, as a scholar of employment discrimination, the only questions are how far the justices will go – and who will ultimately pay the price.


Religious rights in the workplace

Employers are required to accommodate the religious needs of employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, so long as they can do so without imposing an “undue hardship.”


Congress didn’t define what that term meant, and it took another dozen years for the U.S. Supreme Court to do so in Trans World Airlines v. Haridson. The court determined that Title VII does not require employers to bear more than a “de minimis” or minimal cost in accommodating religious employees.


Relying on this narrow decision, employees requesting religious accommodation in the workplace have generally fared poorly in the courts. Supporters of more religious accommodation in the workplace have tried many times to amend Title VII to redefine undue hardship as a “significant difficulty or expense.”


From 1994 to 2013, over a dozen bills attempting to codify this definition were introduced in Congress, with none coming close to passage. After failing to persuade Congress to amend Title VII, religious advocates turned to the Supreme Court. However, the court’s decision to hear this case is highly unusual, since it suggests it is considering overturning its own long-standing precedent.


The other key issue in the case is whether or not a religious accommodation that imposes on co-workers can count as an undue hardship on the employer.


Since Trans World Airlines v. Haridson, most federal appellate courts have determined that accommodations affecting religious employees’ co-workers – such as those requiring them to take over undesirable weekend shifts – can be an undue hardship, even if the business is not directly harmed. In practice, that has made it easier for an employer to avoid accommodating a religious request.



Anonymous ID: 7392ad May 15, 2023, 7:39 a.m. No.18850473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0553




Quantum physics proposes a new way to study biology – and the results could revolutionize our understanding of how life works


Imagine using your cellphone to control the activity of your own cells to treat injuries and disease. It sounds like something from the imagination of an overly optimistic science fiction writer. But this may one day be a possibility through the emerging field of quantum biology.


Over the past few decades, scientists have made incredible progress in understanding and manipulating biological systems at increasingly small scales, from protein folding to genetic engineering. And yet, the extent to which quantum effects influence living systems remains barely understood.


Quantum effects are phenomena that occur between atoms and molecules that can’t be explained by classical physics. It has been known for more than a century that the rules of classical mechanics, like Newton’s laws of motion, break down at atomic scales. Instead, tiny objects behave according to a different set of laws known as quantum mechanics.


For humans, who can only perceive the macroscopic world, or what’s visible to the naked eye, quantum mechanics can seem counterintuitive and somewhat magical. Things you might not expect happen in the quantum world, like electrons “tunneling” through tiny energy barriers and appearing on the other side unscathed, or being in two different places at the same time in a phenomenon called superposition.


I am trained as a quantum engineer. Research in quantum mechanics is usually geared toward technology. However, and somewhat surprisingly, there is increasing evidence that nature – an engineer with billions of years of practice – has learned how to use quantum mechanics to function optimally. If this is indeed true, it means that our understanding of biology is radically incomplete. It also means that we could possibly control physiological processes by using the quantum properties of biological matter.


Quantumness in biology is probably real

Researchers can manipulate quantum phenomena to build better technology. In fact, you already live in a quantum-powered world: from laser pointers to GPS, magnetic resonance imaging and the transistors in your computer – all these technologies rely on quantum effects.


In general, quantum effects only manifest at very small length and mass scales, or when temperatures approach absolute zero. This is because quantum objects like atoms and molecules lose their “quantumness” when they uncontrollably interact with each other and their environment. In other words, a macroscopic collection of quantum objects is better described by the laws of classical mechanics. Everything that starts quantum dies classical. For example, an electron can be manipulated to be in two places at the same time, but it will end up in only one place after a short while – exactly what would be expected classically.


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