Anonymous ID: c7eefa May 15, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.18850088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0106



Should have happened already.

they have their digital grid up and running.

All future bank closures will just be consoladated into the larger banks and all deposits honoured by the tax payer.

There is no real cash left, it is all numbers on a screen. the pensions are gone, the investments are controlled, there is no competition, it is just a massive ponzi scheme.

anyone thinking any different is not facing reality.

We are not fucked quite yet but will be in a matter of years when they bring in mandatory digital credit accounts and phase out cash.

The banksters never do anything without multiple options.

That is this anons opine but you can choose to believe what ever the next grifter states or get rich scheme come along.