Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.18850112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Hans Utter – “Music, Mind Control, and Psychobiology, Pt. 6” – #237

>>18848806 pb

this one is no longer on the site.

a lot is repetition, Jan wanting to milk for donations. final vid in series is 5~ hours long.

Since this series ended there's been a fall out between the interviewer and interviewee.

This vid is fair use and from a alt, yt back -up site. And was taken down from the list of the series

It's a great series though, maybe redundant. 20 hours of material?

Tied in with how the Powers-that-Be destroyed free radio at the beginning of the 60's

>>18849923 pb


>>18848806 pb

>>18849908 pb

memes are free speech

signage; especially with political content, it's protected

Gov is supposed to be blocked from censorship, but they don't obey the law. As far as this site goes, it's a private site; and yes memes can be removed at discretion of owner.

Owner very kindly explains grounds for that.

Try that at any other social media . or bbs system, all owned and infiltrated by the FEDS?

alt YT site won't embed

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.18850185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0223 >>0740 >>0762

>>18848806 pb

another good source for research on culture engineering:


Dr. Hans Utter – “Music, Mind Control, and Psychobiology, Pt. 6” – #237

>>18848806 pb

the one I cite one is no longer on the YT site.

I found it here:

if you look at the series, seven parts, there is a lot is repetition and dead space?, Jan, the host, wanting to milk for donations? final vid in series is 5~ hours long.

Since this series ended there's been a fall out between the interviewer and interviewee.

This vid is fair use and from a alt, yt back -up site. And was taken down from the list of the series:

Here is the listing of the series

might be something to have on archive?

20 hours of material?

Tied in with how the Powers-that-Be destroyed free radio at the beginning of the 60's

>>18849923 pb


>>18848806 pb

>>18849908 pb

memes are free speech

signage; especially with political content, is protected.

What used to be called a "political cartoon" is a meme.

Gov is supposed to be blocked from censorship, but they don't obey the law. As far as this 8kub site goes? it's a private site; and yes memes can be removed at discretion of owner.

Owner very kindly explains grounds for that.

Try to post crap jew-hate memes at any other social media . or bbs system, all owned and infiltrated by the FEDS?

gud luk. except maybe /pol where all the FEDs and jew-haters belong.

alt YT site won't embed


>>18850095 pb

yes, but it gives you a place to complain.

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 6:35 a.m. No.18850223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0238 >>0432 >>0762


Tied in with how the Powers-that-Be destroyed free radio at the beginning of the 60's

which is a whole nother episode.

TV God.

Were all the leftist intellectuals "illumanati" ?

is that why they turned so fast, and all at once, against Trump?

Abandoning all their old (guess they were lying) support of free speech and anti-war?

Even anti-rascism, "equality" blindness to color of skin. They had to abandon that too; in order to hate "whitey" and go against Black Americans who happened to be Trump supporters.

What happened to their lauded promotion of free thought; down the drain in a ny MINUTE

Used to not be able to mention Hitler in a comparison ("nothing can compare") until Trump was elected; What's that about?


Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 6:57 a.m. No.18850298   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that's was some great research by Jan Irwin. He went to Princeton and dug up docs related. It was a paid for op, apparetly. Funded.

Connects with mystery of the "Black Dahlia" ritual murder in Hollywood - because Welles who did the broadcase, is suspect. Welles was apparently rewarded by Rockefeller for performing that radio broadcast, with money for "Citizen Kane"

The Mass Media owners (Rockefellers) did the ol' comfuse op around the "War of the Worlds" hoax - by changing the story through different "news" items. Irwin details that.

Same op as Fauci, one day one thing, another day another "fact"

"Killing Joke" "Mask of God"

Welles is a suspect

Sarnoff connects with Rockefeller, Same name/ next generation ownership of MassMedia

There's also a Sarnof lawyer who's being picketed by anti communist Chinese for stealing American pensions and giving them to ChineseComParthy.

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.18850432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540


listening to this historian, from a review of a book anon has been looking at- "The illuminoids" for 1978 gave me the idea that the secret society is part and parcel of the "Enlightenment" movement of the 18th c. - and were involved with staging "French Revolution" At of what's happening now reminds me of the phase of the "French Revolution" where they went crazy and starting killing everybody left and right.

anon did figure out the King Louis 16 was not beheaded. It was staged. He left town as "his brother" and then came back 11 years later to rule labeled as his own brother.

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 7:53 a.m. No.18850540   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Historian "My Weird Library"

reviews "Illuminoids" book .


Book does an historic timeline which details, what he writes is, the appearance of the secret society - however we know it predated the late 18th c . (i.e. John Dee - freemasonry was active with Royal power back to the days of Kit Marly (Christopher Marlowe and ShakSper) So book is not 100% , as historian warns, but does show relation between important inventions, and FreeMasons with Historic events - world changing - of the time.


remember when "Q" team asked us to look at the "Enlightenment"


In the context of how the standard chronology of history is false; how do all of the inventions which sprouted up ~ 1659 . and that could that be explained? What a coincidence.

When one sees it all laid out on a timeline, it's really amazing

Will try to get a screen shot later.

could the channeling of "spirits" give info "Sell something to the Devil?" - is it alien related?

we know Tesla would fall into a trance wherein he would receive knowledge of his inventions.


all seemed to happen at one time. All at once. so many breakthrough


The historian here speaks about history of "conspiracy theories" and Mentions "Q" at the end, but mis-characterizes it; give the "pop" viewpoint, without nuance.

My Weird Library - YouTube

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 8:05 a.m. No.18850598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0604 >>0627 >>0661


maybe? but that would include the Prince of England, George Bush and many others.

are they all secret Zionists? or "da Jews"?

Hitting the plausibility level of Flat Earth.

They more MooJOOs push it, the more you realize they MUST have an agenda to smear everything on one religion.

The alleged criminals they mention to try to salvage their defeated "argument" - by piling on meaningless data which will never add up to their premise (belief system? or lie/ Propaganda?)


Why is "McKinney" such a an expert?

she spoke out about 9/11? Like Kerry did about the VietNam way.

Bottom line, means very little that I can tell.

Did she ever speak about no commercial jet at the Pentagon?

didn't think so

So how much does she really know about 9/11 false flag attack?

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 8:16 a.m. No.18850661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0684


>The alleged criminals they mention to try to salvage their defeated "argument" - by piling on meaningless data which will never add up to their premise (belief system? or lie/ Propaganda?)


The people they name, criminals, who happen to be ethnic Jews, fail to be religious.

If they are not ethnic Jews they just brush it off "but they work for them"


The "worldwide conspiracy of Jews" is a delusion; likely created by the secret societies - to deflect from themselves.

So why blame everybody in that ethnic group?

Why blame everybody in that religion?

It's obviously nonsense.

Who realy hated the Jews, who do the spammers work for

NWO used to be National Socialists

It's whyt the spammers politics, if they every show it, always goes to ANTIFA / nmarxism 'cause they are tools.

maybe some of them are actually ethnic Jews who work for Nazi / NWO?

stranger things have been true.

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.18850684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0688


in fact one we did find. who doxxed himself, between here and Twit, was, possibly, an ethnic jewish person, himself?

Now that I remember? Was he?

The other one we caught was a freemason bleeding into satanism.

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.18850740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0762


tied in with how the Powers-that-Be destroyed free radio at the beginning of the 70's

mis-typed. beginning of the 70's


first in the series was censored

but part 1 and 2 are missing

3 and 4 are there



Dr. Hans Utter interview – “The [Secret] History of FM Radio, Part 2: Context & Networks”

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.18850797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0811


does it prove a world-wide Jewish conspiracy, or not?

If Schwab is such a Jew, why was his Dad a NAZI who ran factories an work camps for Adolf?


Do you think having the public face of the RESET and NWO be a jew who hides his birth mother, be there for a reason?

Same with Hellerstein and Silverstein.

they are there for a reason.

So shills like you will have a hook for you hat.

Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Anonymous ID: e4c20c May 15, 2023, 9:03 a.m. No.18850864   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These evil creeps we need to catch to save our Country.

They are sexually turned -on by sadism and cruelty

that's also why the true American side refrains from going there.

the one who co-opted our Traditions and the beauty of our system?

they do / did those things to taint us.

We won't be doing that.