I don't understand what's going on. While everyone keeps paying attention to muh politics and shitting themselves over a town hall….the world continues to decline morally.
Go to Target, littered with LGBTQ clothing.
Go to Barnes and Noble, IN THE KIDS SECTION, LGBTQ books.
Turn on Disney…LGBTQ sprinkled on shows.
Then you mention Jesus and half the board (who follow Q and apparently ignore the Bible posts made) start mocking you for being Christian.
>inb4 those aren't real anons
This board has lost its way. People have lost their way. We are all lost and misguided with the loudest things. Shine a bright shiny object and everyone's attention diverts to it. Why would you trust Musk? Have you done no research on him? Why would you trust Kanye? Have you done no research on him? Why is everyone STILL so easily fucking manipulated? For 5 years I'm called a shill for my thoughts and they all keep turning out accurate at some point. Think for yourself. Trust yourself.
So much violence taking place. So much mocking of God. So much evil. And the focus is always a fucking truth social post. Come on.