Thanks, baker, and for looking after the night. Respec'
I can relieve you baker.
Nightbaker here.
Thanks Baker and Good Morning to you and all. Enjoy your rest.
Well rested and fresh, feelz good man, thanks.
Good angle you've got going on there anon. Winner winner. Thinking, 'why do people have fences and walls around their properties?' For sure the elites, Pellosi et all have big and high ones.
Yea, bridge on and rest up anon, it feels like the calm before the storm at the moment.
It's real saddening to see EatShillsBaker was turfed out the bake and banned again, by the same BV as well. Imo and experience he's a good and reliable baker. That he 'always puts shit in the dough' is absolutely unfounded, again imo.
It did appear to be only 1 or 2 ganging up on the baker. It definitely wasn't a consensus anyway as far as I can see. What's the BV doing replacing our bakers anyway? He did miss a few notables, granted, but why not help the baker by collecting and giving them to him? Shit, we all get tired.
I can only hope that BO sees what went on and revokes the permanent ban on EatShillsBaker again and, sorts the issue with the BV, again.
It would be good if anons show their support for EatShills. Us bakers are really busting our asses baking, trying to enlist new /ourguy/ bakers and coaching them. EatShills is an experienced and valued member of the team afaic.
Definitely anon, think all of us who have been here since the start see through them easily. It just melts into the background.
BO is a rockstar and has a lot to deal with. He listens to us all and works with us all to make the chan as great as it is imo. I'm sure he'll sort this out positively as he does with everything.
How about that. Superb news baked.
Notables Update
Anything to add just let me know.
>>1885456 , >>1885493, >>1885501 Sohale Siddiqi / Henry Kerner Dig
>>1885319 Articles on the HRC / Podesta / Brock RICO suit
>>1885540 #WalkAway Campaign - Dems red pilling one another
>>1885315 Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian & Iran
>>1885481 Deep State Weaponizing Leaks against /ourgal/ Mari Stull
Sure, added. Thanks anon.
Notables update
Hopefully all included. Let me know if not.
>>1885695 , >>1885710 Moar on Silkway Planes, Bulgaria & Arms Smuggling
>>1885387 Critic of Trump border policies took $$ from private prison operators
>>1885673 "Liberalism has lowered the bar so low…"
>>1885639 , >>1885641, >>1885648, >>1885659 Planefags: Brussels immigration meeting
>>1885547 The hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning to FBI found dead
>>1885382 , >>1885638 Who's behind the Iran Protests?
>>1885456 , >>1885493, >>1885501 Sohale Siddiqi / Henry Kerner Dig
>>1885319 Articles on the HRC / Podesta / Brock RICO suit
>>1885540 #WalkAway Campaign - Dems red pilling one another
>>1885315 Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian & Iran
>>1885481 Deep State Weaponizing Leaks against /ourgal/ Mari Stull
>>1885547 The hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning to FBI found dead
Removed from notes. Old article.
Any lurking bakers around? Looking for feedback from bakers and anons alike on this new Baking Tips graphic.
They're based on the pastebin instructions, just simplified and made into a graphic for easy consumption. It's to go along with the new baking instruction graphic.
What do you think about the tips? Easy to follow? Sound ok? Anything to change or add? Anything you disagree with? Thanks for feeding back if you can anons. Will amend accordingly. TY <3
Thanks a lot and great thinking. I'll make a copy of what you've posted with heading etc and add 'how anons can help'. Cheers anon. Appreciate.