There IS NO Peter Strozk or Lisa Page correct? They are non existant shells for comey and mcabe or no name??
It's VERY abnormal for 2 people being more famous than Elvis for the last year and literally 1 or 2 photos of these people. The media would be surrounding there house and probably posted up in the bathroom reporting on what color bath towel they used today. Vey abnormal and makes me think they are NOT real people.
Agreed there are clowns in the admin and allowed to be there by BO.
No I mean like CLOWN BV . We all know that idiotic cunt still fucks the bread up. How it's allowed is the question. Im done with it. Im here for Q fuck that traiorous cunt and whoever is allowing her to admin. They will all get karmic payoffs from the Universe . I am here for Q and the real Anons FUCK traitor fake BO AND BV. Ban me all you want il VPN the fuck back in here in a heartbeat . Q wins and the clowns will lose.
Yea that is why I havent said anything about it in a very long time. I just watch the patterns. I agree BO is tired but the lack of rooting out the cunt bv from being allowed to ban is GLOWING. Il go back to digging and all that but I am AWARE there is traitors in the hen house. I know you guys will make them all pay in the end. No Quarter. DOITQ!! I am here for YOU!
ESS baker is the TOP baker in the crew. Whoever banned him is the traitor .
Pretty bad when they are ALLOWED to admin the Q research board . HMMM GLOWFAGS !!!! Traitors got ahold of the wheel it seems .
I left for a month because of that twat BV. OF COURSE SHE STILL IS ADMINING . Get your fucking shit together asshole BO you fucking clown! Why you letting this cunt BV fuck everything up. BAN ESS BAKER?? Are you fucking stupid?? OBVIOUSLY. I agree they need taken out on the ground . Cannot just go on and on and BO say Oh I dont know …I dont know guys.. FUCK THAT !
I only started VPN hopping BECAUSE of traitor BV cunt. I was perfectly happy with my ip before the purge. I was banned for quoting Q and I said THATS IT VPN TIME!
I agree BO is the KING of the clowns .
He is the fuking BEST baker we got ! FUCK CLOWNS IN THE ADMIN !!! BO is NOT just tired . He allows this bitch to admin week after week month after month because its his WOMAN they live together. DUH !!
This board is COMPED and Q needs to leave immediatly and find a new BO .IMHO.
BO alowws it to go on and on and on and on and on . Because ?????