Anonymous ID: 9adfeb June 24, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.1885315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5323 >>5382 >>5629 >>5760




Mahmoud Abbas is a traitor to the Palestinian people


Abbas met with Marxist MEK/MKO terrorist leader Maryam Rajavi in July 2016.


Iran parliamentary official: Abbas-Rajavi meeting ‘unfortunate’ for Palestinians


An Iranian parliament official said that the recent meeting between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the ringleader of an anti-Iran terrorist group (MKO) Maryam Rajavi in Paris is an ‘unfortunate’ for Palestinian nation.


“The problem of Abu Mazen (Abbas) is that he is not focusing on rights of Palestinian nation,” Said Managing Director of Iranian Parliament for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahin said.


“One day Mahmoud Abbas supports Saudi aggression against oppressed Yemenis. Another day, he meets with the outdated ringleader of MKO and is somehow supporting terrorism.”


Supporting instead of fighting terrorism by Palestinian President not only does not cause liberation of Holy Quds and weakening Zionist regime, but also it is an unfortunate for Palestinian nation, he said.


In early July, the MKO held a meeting in Paris, where Saudi Arabia’s former spymaster, Turki al-Faisal, gave a 30-minute speech to the gathering and expressed support for the anti-Iran group.


The Iranian Foreign Ministry subsequently summoned the French Ambassador to Tehran François Sénémaud to hand him a strong note of protest over the meeting.




Anonymous ID: 9adfeb June 24, 2018, 3:43 a.m. No.1885382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393 >>5409 >>5410 >>5637 >>5638 >>5760



Who's behind the Iran Protests?


The Zionist Deep State. (Or did you really believe this was a spontaneous people's revolution?)


Scroll down and look around… Who do you see?


No Name

Nancy Pelosi

Sheila Jackson-Lee

Chuck Schumer

Brad Sherman


Starting to see the zionist connections now to this Marxist exiled terror group and the organized overthrow of the Iranian regime?


Saturday, June 30th Free Iran Conference is taking place in Paris. Who will be attending this 'red carpet event'?

Anonymous ID: 9adfeb June 24, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.1885434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>We follow Q's lead - and serve. No matter what.


Good. Now exactly WHAT did Q said about Iran? Maybe you should re-read crumbs with other eyes.

Anonymous ID: 9adfeb June 24, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.1885638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5650 >>5760 >>5954



The Marxist Rajavi Cult who is leading the Free Iran protest with the help of the Deep State are forcing:


  • Women to wear the Hijab

  • Married couples who join MEK to divorce

  • Live celibate lives

  • Separate activities of all kinds


Does that sound like a free Iran? What will happen to the country when they take power?


Reza Pahlavi (son of former Shah): Choosing between this regime and the MEK, Iranians will Choose the mullahs




June 20 2018 - "They force women to wear the Hijab." He added that most Iranians still despise the MEK for siding with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. I cannot imagine Iranians ever forgiving their behavior at that time,” he said “If the choice is between this regime and the MEK, they will mostly likely say the mullahs …


President Donald Trump himself says his goal is not to change Iran’s regime, but to change its behavior.


In the 1980s, Pahlavi as a young man had a relationship with the CIA, according to reporting at the time from the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward. But even then, the Reagan administration was not trying to change the new regime in Iran; it was trying to negotiate with it. As the Iran-Contra affair showed, Reagan’s advisers were selling the mullahs Israeli weapons to free hostages in Lebanon.


But Pahlavi also says this is a process that must be driven by Iranians themselves. He said he opposes any American military intervention in Iran. He also says it’s a pipe dream for the U.S. to support the People’s Mujahedin or MEK, an opposition group once allied with the 1979 revolution until it was purged in the 1980s by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


“I have spoken to former MEK members,” Pahlavi said. “They force women to wear the Hijab.” He added that most Iranians still despise the MEK for siding with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. “I cannot imagine Iranians ever forgiving their behavior at that time,” he said “If the choice is between this regime and the MEK, they will mostly likely say the mullahs.”


Educate yourselves on MEK/Rajavi:

Anonymous ID: 9adfeb June 24, 2018, 5:33 a.m. No.1885782   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Is MEK from the original socialist party of Iran?


No, it's a terrorist organisation, taken off the FOA terror list by Hillary Clinton in 2012.

