For those of you who haven't fully looked at even the fore-documents of the Durhame report, you missed the most important statement:
" [a]t the conclusion of the Special Counsel ' s work, he … shall
provide the Attorney General a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination
decisions reached by the Special Counsel."
What does that mean? you ask…This two-part report (Unclassified Report and Classified Appendix) is
presented in fulfillment of these requirements and sets forth our principal findings and
recommendations concerning the matters that were the subject of our review. The principal
report is confidential, but contains no classified information based on thorough, coordinated
reviews of the information contained therein by the appropriate authorities within the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency.
The Classified Appendix likewise has been coordinated with those same agencies for
classification purposes.