How the Morlocks Seized New York
American Thinker, by Jack Cashill
Posted By: Judy W., 5/15/2023 7:10:33 AM
If, in 1984, an inventive New Yorker set his time travel machine to the year 2023, the city in which he arrived would confound him. Although the New York City of today looks much like that of 1984, our time traveler would have a hard time understanding the people, almost as hard a time as H.G. Wells's "Time Traveler" did when his machine arrived in the year 802,701. The public response of the average New Yorker to the arrest of former Marine sergeant Daniel Penny calls to mind the "Eloi" response to Wells's Traveler. The Eloi were the little, pretty people of the future whom the Time Traveler encountered.