>>18854207 Q proof
>>18854214 The doubters will soon be believers.
>>18854227 Anons want explanations >>18854234, >>18854354 Explained every connection
>>18855333 Shills shill
>>18854207 Q proof
>>18854214 The doubters will soon be believers.
>>18854227 Anons want explanations >>18854234, >>18854354 Explained every connection
>>18855333 Shills shill
This will be a huge decode if someone is able to do it. First trump truth about the durham report.
Trump Truth ‘hide & seek’ comms
Truth stamp 12:34 PM
Q drop in this post shows a [1] marker within it. :43 - :44
Truth stamp :34 - :44 [10]
wind the clock [1] and [10]
+1200 2434
in this drop we see :19 - :18 [1] and :26 - :41 [15]
>>18856692 Q 1234 :44 - Truth :34 = [10]
:10 marker =Aug 14, 2018 8:02:45 PM "Did you ever play HIDE-AND-SEEK?"
the can be dangerous bread
:in the drop shows [1] :24 - :25
USMC :59 - Q :04 [5]
Wind the clock Q-clock.com What do you find?
still didnt find any USMC or #semperfi drops on those so letsuse the [1]
also look for may 16 2023 on the clock
Q-clock USMC tweet today which is on the :06 :36 mirror line we need to find the connections to #semperfi https://qalerts.app/?q=USMC :06 from :59 [7]
:00 and :58
2473 only drop with #SemperFi
and these have special characters because if you search for #semperfi it wont show up
Q semper fi drop lies on nov 10 2018 which is :38
:08 to :38 mirror line https://www.q-clock.com/images/38%20mirror%20of%2012.jpg
any marker matches from USMC tweet :59 to :38?
there must be a connection for the BOOM