Couldn't resist fucking with shit, could you? KEK!
No one cares if they like to suck rope, or chase the Monkeybutt, just keep their adult and sexualized topics away from the kids. It's really that simple.
Are you seriously defending Feds here? You really are dumb. But please, do continue. I want to see how far you'll take your bullshit.
>Next you will tell me I'm inciting violence when I say KYS
No, just behaving like a retard with a serious low IQ.
Not from around these parts, are you, chump?
So why does Patriot Front wear masks? If they're patriots, what are they scared of being identified for?
The patriots there weren't afraid of being identified the last time I watched J6 footage? Yeah, I noticed they're not all wearing a standard uniform either. They're feds, fuckface. And you're stupid. Better luck next time.
Not to mention if Patriot Front were actual patriots you'd see an online presence from them, but you don't. They're not even a blip. They only seem to mysteriously pop up every once in a while for the media to conveniently be there to capture on film.
Logical deduction not your style?
Give 'em hell, Steve! o7
No man is a ginger mound.