Anonymous ID: 7c3781 June 24, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.1886211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6220 >>6244 >>6280 >>6287

For someone who was such a "conservative," it's awfully peculiar how the FOX talking-head pundit and nationally syndicated columnist Charles (((Krauthammer))) was, throughout his career and now in death, treated with such respect and reverence by the likes of the hateful hard-Left (((Jew York Slimes))) and (((Washington Compost))). Why is that?


Answer: Because the witty and oh-so-eloquent paralytic pundit – who severed his spinal cord after diving into a pool while in college – was actually nothing more than a deceitful, bloodthirsty, warmongering, controlled-opposition, (((Zionist))) hack masquerading as a conservative "intellectual."


Even in death, the "Pulitzer Prize winning" ™ traitor, who has just died of cancer at 68, will get neither quarter nor sympathy from your intrepid reporter. For our "eulogy," we propose to tear off the halo of this vile (((Israel Firster neo-conservative))), 9/11 accomplice (both before & after the fact), screaming warmonger, and (((Marxist))) infiltrator.


Trump pegged (((Krauthammer))) correctly as "an overrated clown."


What is a (((Neo-Conservative)))?


(((Neo-Conservatism))) originated in the early 1970’s, and blossomed by 1979. The (((neo-cons))) are actually Globalists that differ from other "liberal" Globalists in one key area. Whereas Bilderberger / (((Soros))) Globalists have no special love or loyalty for Israel, the (((neo-con))) Globalists are hard core, (((Israel-First Zionists))).


The founders of (((neo-conservatism))) (neo-cons) were self-professed "ex-Marxist" (((Jews))) who claimed to have realized their error in supporting liberal Democrats like Jimmy Carter and wanted to embrace conservatism instead. The first of the major "New York Intellectuals" to "come out" as a (((neo-con))) was Irving (((Kristol))) CFR member, father of nevertrumper (((neo-con))) Bill (((Kristol))) - known as “The Godfather” of the (((neo-cons))). (((Kristol))) explains his views in a 1979 article "Confessions of a Self-Confessed (((Neoconservative))).”


Eager to shed the false "anti-Semitic" tag often attached to the Right, gullible "Reagan conservatives" welcomed the (((media))) hyped, (((neo-con Jew))) infiltrators with open arms into their circles, publications and think-tanks. Big mistake!


It wasn't long before these conservative-sounding "ex-Marxist" (((Zionists))) were able to hijack true conservatism, water it down to Marxism-light, and turn most of the American Right into stark-raving-mad (((Israel Firsters))) and Cuckservatives!

Anonymous ID: 7c3781 June 24, 2018, 6:58 a.m. No.1886220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6294



As for Charles (((Kikehammer))), he was so late in "converting" that he never even voted for Ronald Reagan! But when he did finally "see the light," Leftist/Globalist Editor Meg (((Greenfeld))) and Leftist/Globalist Owner Katherine (((Meyer))) Graham – both of the Leftist/Globalist (((Washington Compost))) – set the crippled kike up (and George Will too) with a nationally syndicated column that skyrocketed his career as a "leading intellectual" of the American Right. How magnanimous and fair-minded of those two (((Marxist yentas))) to pump-up such a "conservative," eh?


  1. Irving (((Kristol))) (father of William) was the King of neo-con "converts" like (((Krauthammer))).

  2. Meg (((Greenfield))) of the (((Washington Compost))) and (((Newsweek Magazine))) boosted (((Krauthammer's))) career.

  3. Katherine (((Meyer))) Graham inherited the Compost from her father, former (((Federal Reserve))) Chairman, (((Eugene Meyer))).


The Chronicles of the "conservative" (((Krauthammer)))


Never voted for President Ronald Reagan

Served as a speech-writer for Demonrat presidential candidate Walter Mondale in 1984

Was a prominent supporter of the (((PNAC))) Group (Project for a New American Century) which had advance knowledge of the 9/11 false-flag attacks and warned of a "New Pearl Harbor."

Aggressively promoted the lie of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" which led to the disastrous Iraq War

Claimed that the Iraq War would only last three weeks

Called for war on Syria, Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Iran

Defended the torture of Iraqi prisoners

Defended every act of (((Israeli))) aggression and genocide ever committed

Mocked believers in Intelligent Design

Ranked (((Franklin D. Roosevelt))) as the greatest president of the 20th century

Dismissed and disrespected the candidacy of Ron Paul in 2012

Spewed venom at Vladimir Putin/ called for confrontation with Russia

Supported amnesty for illegal aliens and lax border enforcement

And last but not least…


Refused to endorse Donald Trump in 2016 (thus tacitly helping Hillary)


Cheese and Crackers! With "conservatives" like Charles (((Krauthammer))) serving as the (((media-anointed))) "intellectuals" of the Right, who needs libtards? Rot in hell, Chuckie. Rot in hell.


With a smooth rap, a sharp wit, an arsenal of $10 words and a superficial command of conservative talking points, (((Krauthammer))) could suck-in and dazzle the conservatards and patriotards of FAUX News. Having won the trust of the target audience, he could drop his (((Israel First))) poison pill (along with a bit of liberalism) at every opportunity.